Sunday Morning quiet
Sunday morning. It's was 5:47am when I started this and everyone else is still in bed. I wish I could sleep later on the weekends but my body is so use to getting up early that it's almost imposable for me to stay in bed until at least 6am. At least it's nice and quiet. The dog is still in bed too. The cats are all somewhere else too. We also have three cats in the house they are: Cletus, Minni Me and Jazz.
Cletus likes to play fetch with a supper ball but because fawn also likes to go after things the only place we can throw the ball is down the basement steps. He does bring it back.
Jazz is the youngest. He can cause the most trouble. He knocks things down. Climbs into the ceiling in the basement over my oldest ones room.
Sometimes it can be a real circus around here. Cletus and fawn like to play tag every now and then.
The one place the cats go that the dog does not is the basement. Fawn will not go down the steps, which is fine, she doesn't even try.

I've been arguing with this computer trying to get the right pictures . I've finally got the ones I wanted. It's now almost 7:30am and still everyone is in bed.
It's a very foggy morning. I can't even see the neighbor to the south on the other side of the field.
She is one of those people who leaves her Christmas lights on 24 hours a day. I wonder how long she will leave them on and up this year. Last year it was almost the end of January before she took them down.There are two of those blow Santa's in her yard this year along with lights on the trailer house and in one tree I suppose she really don't care she more then likely doesn't pay the bill. Her grandmother more then likely is paying her bills. Her grandmother is my mother-in-law. Long story about why her grandmother is paying most of her blessed granddaughter number ones bill. That's how I refer to her.
I live in the middle of in-law land.
I decided to quick take a picture of the backyard with the fog. That's how foggy it is here right now. We often see a number of different animals. Sometimes we see deer in the back field or even a turkey or two.
Quiet time is over. Others are starting to get up.
Here is the saying for today:
When every post seems to bring bills, write more letters.