Getting Back to Basics
I was thinking about different people and things today that made me think about getting back to basics. What this means to me is maybe it's time that people started living a more basic life. We live lives that are molded around the latest tech things. Things that are suppose to make life easier for us are the things that are making us more handy capped. If something does happen in the future that disrupts normal day to day things would we really be able to survive? I don't think most people would. We're spoiled. Even if nothing earth ending ever happens I believe people should learn to live simply.
For myself I would love to learn to live more simply. Have a big garden, raise my own meat, learn about finding editable things in the wild, cook on an old wood cook stove(Which I do have but it's not set up, yet) and make things, home made things.
If I didn't have to work out I would either make a home like this or travel around. If I could travel around I would like to do it in a unique way. Like by horse and wagon. See the parts of the country that are never seen much by many people.
The weather here right now is snowy, windy and getting colder. By tomorrow it is suppose to be below zero with wind chills of 45 below. And I have to go to work tomorrow. Wish me luck.

As I was typing this my dog was in the other room. I heard a bag rustling so I went in there to see what she got into. I noticed that she had put herself in her cage. I looked and found an empty bag of Goldfish on the floor. She knew she did bad. She came back out and I came back to type some more,then after a few minutes I heard what sounded like a pop can be crunched. I went back in there and she was in the cage again. I found an empty pop can by the couch. I'm glad she knows when she has done wrong.
This is a picture the kids had taken when she was a puppy. She still likes to wear necklaces. One at a time though.
Thought for the day:
"When life is busy, focus on the task ahead, not the one passed."
For myself I would love to learn to live more simply. Have a big garden, raise my own meat, learn about finding editable things in the wild, cook on an old wood cook stove(Which I do have but it's not set up, yet) and make things, home made things.
If I didn't have to work out I would either make a home like this or travel around. If I could travel around I would like to do it in a unique way. Like by horse and wagon. See the parts of the country that are never seen much by many people.
The weather here right now is snowy, windy and getting colder. By tomorrow it is suppose to be below zero with wind chills of 45 below. And I have to go to work tomorrow. Wish me luck.

As I was typing this my dog was in the other room. I heard a bag rustling so I went in there to see what she got into. I noticed that she had put herself in her cage. I looked and found an empty bag of Goldfish on the floor. She knew she did bad. She came back out and I came back to type some more,then after a few minutes I heard what sounded like a pop can be crunched. I went back in there and she was in the cage again. I found an empty pop can by the couch. I'm glad she knows when she has done wrong.
This is a picture the kids had taken when she was a puppy. She still likes to wear necklaces. One at a time though.
Thought for the day:
"When life is busy, focus on the task ahead, not the one passed."