It's Cold Outside
This morning when I was going to work the radio said it was 10 below. When I got to the north side of town one sign said it was 7 below. When I got to the other side of town that one said it was 20 below. Which one do you believe? Town is about two miles wide. So why the temp difference? Maybe it's location of their thermometer. That's my guess. Tonight it's going to be cold again with it getting down to about 16 below. By Friday it's suppose to be warming up to maybe 20 above with snow. I don't plan on going any where tonight. I will be nice and warm in the house with the wood stove keeping the house around 70 degrees. I love wood heat.
This weekend it was so cold that some bottles of Lipton's green tea that I keep in the garage, because it's cold out there, were frozen solid. There was also some diet Lipton's green tea out there that for some reason was not frozen. I took it out of the carton and as soon as I did that it started freezing. It was so weird watching it start to frost up from the top down. It was just like you see in the movies when something is suppose to suddenly freeze. Except there was not special effects. It was live.
Remember that old scrap book I have? Well in it there is a picture of
some ducks that were actually frozen to the ice. The title of this picture Is Free Ducks Frozen in Ice Off Jones Island
Under the picture is says:
Wild ducks which have become frozen in the ice off Jones Island are shown as they were freed Friday by I.J. Perkins(right) of the public museum and Walter Dethloff of Wisconsin Humane society. The birds in the background are free ducks and gulls.
I wasn't sure how the picture would turn out but it don't look to bad. I'll have to post others in the future.
Thought of the day:
"Learn to make only promises you are able and willing to keep."
This weekend it was so cold that some bottles of Lipton's green tea that I keep in the garage, because it's cold out there, were frozen solid. There was also some diet Lipton's green tea out there that for some reason was not frozen. I took it out of the carton and as soon as I did that it started freezing. It was so weird watching it start to frost up from the top down. It was just like you see in the movies when something is suppose to suddenly freeze. Except there was not special effects. It was live.
Remember that old scrap book I have? Well in it there is a picture of
Under the picture is says:
Wild ducks which have become frozen in the ice off Jones Island are shown as they were freed Friday by I.J. Perkins(right) of the public museum and Walter Dethloff of Wisconsin Humane society. The birds in the background are free ducks and gulls.
I wasn't sure how the picture would turn out but it don't look to bad. I'll have to post others in the future.
Thought of the day:
"Learn to make only promises you are able and willing to keep."