A Mood Monday
What to ponder. How about the state of the Union speech that Bush will be giving tonight? I don't plan on watching it. Every time I see him on TV giving a speech, I can't explain what goes through my head. So to save myself frustration and allot of yelling I don't watch. One thing that always bugs me when a president gives a speech is how often people applaud. Why not wait till after the speech is over? Or do they do that to make sure they don't fall asleep listening to it. What I think would be funny is instead of applause all that could be heard would be crickets chirping. I know be serious. I now it is suppose to be important, but I can't get into listening to speeches like that. I like casual. I don't like being preached at. I'll hear enough about tomorrow on the news. I go to bed early, around nine or so.
I guess I don't have allot to say so I'll do my thought for the day:
"Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories."
I guess I don't have allot to say so I'll do my thought for the day:
"Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories."