Thursday News Thoughts

This morning while I was driving to work I was half listening to the news. They were saying something about bad weather some where, not sure where, they said that a woman had a tree fall on her house. This is what sounded weird, She said it sounded like a car or something fell on her house. Now around here it's more common for a tree to fall on a house then a car. The other thing they mentioned was about Britney Spears. In my opinion she needs mental help big time. The paparazzi needs to say away from her. All magazines and news shows should stop the demand of any kind for pictures of her. There should also be laws that if you want to take a picture of a celebrity you have to stay at least 50 feet away. And no cars are involved in anyway shape or form. After she gets the kind of mental help she needs, she needs to go somewhere away from all that she knows to a pla ce where she can get back to basics. Learn to like herself. She should be away for at least a year. She will then ...