
Showing posts from 2012

Goodbye to 2012

I'd like to say goodbye to 2012. It was another challenging year. And a frustrating one. An annoying one. Every year is a challenging one. Life happens all the time. Little day to day things. The husband had his surgery, which went fine. Now it's just a matter of time before he can go back to work.  You know I really have to record things better that happened so I can look back at them when I need to. It was  frustrating in allot ways.  The weather. It was a very dry summer around here. It made it hard for the husband to make a good hay crop. He was not able to make and sell as much as he wanted too. But so far this winter we have more snow this time of year then we had last year. Work had it's issues from time to time. His place of employment has been limiting in a way. Cutting back on hours and pay. This makes it hard to pay bills. My job, not as busy as it has been in the past. But at least I was working steady. Politicians made it a very frustrating one. ...

Merry Christmas to ya all

   I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and I'll be seeing you soon.

December 22, 2012 and we are still here

   So how many of you spent yesterday underground? I was calling it Happy Bunker Day. I know some of you will say it could still end at any moment so you will continue to spend time underground. You can only stay there for so long. I guess you spent all that money on these things so you might as well make the most out of it. I wonder when someone will come up with the next end date? Just think of all the money that was spent on this idea. Just think of what else could have been done with that money. Well at least you now have a storm cellar you can go into when the weather gets to stormy. If you are hoarding all kinds of food, you can relax for awhile, you don't have to go to the store for awhile. With the bad harvest this year you might be able to keep yourself fed better for this next year. I was just thinking about this next year 2013. How many people will look at it as a bad luck year? Maybe that will be the next excuse for things going bad. Well that's my pon...

Will things end, change or stay the same?

          Which one do you think will happen on Dec. 21, 2012? In my opinion, things will stay the same. Unfortunately.  I kind of hope things will change for the better. What I like to think is that we will enter the next level of consciousness. Maybe become more spiritual in away. A calmer, more one with the universe. But this kind of change will be the most difficult to obtain. Too many things would have to stop happening for this to come about. You know, the hating , the killings, the fear of each other, the instabilities in all economies, the over greedy, the cons, the class divisions and the blame game. And these things are just the tip of it all. The world should not end in one day. But I do believe the planet is going through a bigger change then what we want to see. We just have to learn to work with Mother Nature and stop trying to fight her. So if your hiding in a bunker somewhere enjoy your night underground. If you want you...

A sad time for all

     By now everyone has heard about both of these events. So many innocent people died for reasons at this time no one really understands. So many little children assassinated in away no one could have ever imagined would ever have happened. My heart goes out to all the family, friends and the communities that are forever changed. Everyone wants to know why. Unfortunately we will never know the real reason why both of these individuals felt so driven to do what they did. I have not heard much about the shooter in Oregon. The only thing I heard mention at one time was he could have been rejected from serving in the military for some reason. Something happened that he turned dark just before he went on his shooting spree. Now the one in Connecticut, there is still allot of confusion on why he did what he did. A few hints I've heard have lead me to believe he had a very troubled life. He was a loner. He had problems in school so his mother home schooled him. His paren...


   I've been searching high. I've been searching low.   To write about something that could possibly be   and not OVERDONE THINGS. Like another football player killing another player in a drunk driving crash.   Cockiness can get the best of the best when they least expect it. The royal pregnancy   I say congratulations. I hope all goes well from this time forward. Followed by a tragedy. The nurse who was conned into believing that a couple of radio personalities were the Queen and Prince Charles calling. Then she killed herself over it.     I feel very bad for all parties involved. Maybe next time radio people will not take things so far. But then again with such bad impersonations of the royals I know they were sure it would not go as far as it did. So as you can see I have nothing new. I'm just sitting here waiting for the snow to start.   We could get 6 inches of snow. To tell you the truth , the timing for this sno...

Random Newsy things

  This man had the symbol from the Romney, Ryan campaign tattooed on his face is now  having it removed. Maybe next campaign he'll make sure it's a temporary one so he will not have to go through all that pain for nothing, twice.      How about the football player from the Kansas City Chiefs that killed his girlfriend then shot himself in front of his coach. I wonder if we will ever hear exactly what drove him to do what he did. Now a little baby girl has no mother or father. That in my book is the saddest part of all this.      How about sex in a box from Switzerland. In Switzerland prostitution is legal. So to make things safer they are going to start putting up places where you can drive into and have sex with a prostitute. It's suppose to be safer for all involved. They figure they can't get rid of prostitution so they are learning to control it. Each woman who works one of these boxes has to take out medical insurance and pay for a lice...


   Did you survive Black Friday? I did. The only thing I bought yesterday was a dryer because mine died. That's the only reason I was in any store at all. I do not like Black Friday kind of shopping. There is nothing I really need that I would do some of things people do to get somethings. I waited till later in the day to make my purchase. But it is really sad when you think about it. To live we must always be buying something or people look at you funny. I've got a saying I made up."To live you must profit from others, at the expense of others." Allot of people really don't care what it takes to get what they want just as long as they get what they think they need to be just like everyone else. It's a sad life we lead.     This is something most people would never consider. To me bigger and more expensive things will not make me a more important person. I'll just look like a big sucker so to speak. I wonder when this extreme spending became su...

Secede from the Nation?

Life for me is as boring and humdrum as always. I get up. I go to work. I take care of my critters. I do house work. I go to bed. That about sums up a usual humdrum day for me. I do from time to time ask people an off the wall kind of question, just to entertain myself while I'm at work. The latest question is based on something I heard on the news.  States that want to secede from the nation.    So I was asking them if they could think of anyone who would sign a petition like that. Some gave names, some even said they would. When they said they would I was a little surprised but, I knew they really didn't think about what it would take to do something like that.  Just think what it would take to really start over. You would more then likely lose social security and medicare. No more being taken care of in anyway shape or form.( That's one thing I think should be encouraged less anyway.)  Family members that live in other states that did not secede from the...

Change is a happening, as always

Sorry I'm late doing a post but I was not sure what I wanted to post. I also worked Saturday morning and slept a little later Sunday morning. I do my best writing early in the morning on the weekends. Then I suppose your wondering why I'm I writing on a Tuesday morning? I've got the day off because the husband has a doctor appointment. I usually don't put this kind of thing here but it's time to talk about it. He has a  ruptured disk in his back. He will be having surgery next month. So we are dealing with allot of emotional stuff right now. Nerves are starting to ramp up. So from time to time I will have more posts or not post for a long time. But when I do I'll try to say something that is worth pondering for ya all. So let me begin my ponders: Well now that the elections are over, no more political adds to drive us nuts.     But it does not mean the messes are over. There are new messes, new distractions and new secrets to expose. Secrets like the Gen...

Hurrican Me and turkeys

Well this last week for me was very boring and hum drum for the most part. Although with my name being Sandy I was getting blamed for all the destruction. I will say I did warn them I was coming. Maybe next time people will heed my warning when I tell them bigger trouble is coming their way. I don't mess around.   And by the way when you name a hurricane Sandy you better be ready for a whole lot of sand to come with it. It must be kind of weird plowing sand off the streets instead of snow. Sand is worse. Snow will eventually melt on it's own while sand will not. With all this mess in New York it was a very good thing they finally cancelled that marathon. A little later then they should have but at least they finally woke up about what should be the top thing to concentrate on. With this being November already, I hope they are thinking about the Thanksgiving. I wonder if they will still have the parade?  But I suppose one thing at a time. It looks like they will be dealin...

What should I ponder when I'm bored?

There are allot of different things I can ponder when I'm bored and having a really hum drum time. I could ponder about the up coming election. But really I'm very sick and tired of getting bombarded with negative add after negative add.   So I'm working on a plan to outlaw them. Are you with me? Another thing about politics I would most definitely ban would be the mixing of religion and politics. Like the dumbest comments I keep hearing about rape.     Are you kidding me? When is politics going to learn to stay out of something that is very personal and private? Or will these groups not stop till we are no different then other countries that are run by one religion and all must abide by what they say no matter how you feel. I thought this country was based on freedom for all religions.  Plus the separation of church and state. The way I figure these extremists want this country to be run by what they think and nothing else. They think the woman should be for...

Who was the best Snake oil Salesman?

     It's really hard for me to say which was more unbelievable. I usually don't watch these things but I thought I'd watch this one. All I can say is they really don't know how to answer a question. They do a whole lot of talking but they never say much of anything. To me anyway they never gave the answer I was looking for. Now if I was in charge of one of these things believe me once I got done with them they would only speak the truth in as few words as possible. This is what I would do: My number one rule would be to answer the question in as few words as possible. No beating around the bush. If they broke this rule I would get to squirt them with a squirt gun with purple colored water(which does not wash off very easily). If I didn't like their answer I would get to stick a very sticky sad face on their forehead. Then after the first question I would call out a number and someone from the audience would come down and I would then let them know they a...

What's happening to the young people of the world?

My life this last week has been very boring and hum drum. I did although have another cold issue. My hearing got goofy for a few days. I guess this year my cold had decided to give me one issue a week. I think I've had them all, so it should finally be done. Now the rest of the world has had more problems as usual. Here are my comments. The woman who glued her toddlers hands to the wall and beat her almost to death. This is something that should never have happened, if only. But she got what she deserved and worked so hard to get. She is 23 years old and has 5 children. She had her first child at 14. She never gave herself a chance to be a child herself. This is what always bothers me the most about young people who never give themselves a chance to be a child. They end up living a life of regret and the children pay the biggest price. I can remember I had a conversation with a young girl, who was 16 and pregnant at the time, she said she was mature for her age. Every time...

What a difference a week makes

Last weekend I posted a few pictures about what it looked like here. Well here a couple a pictures of what it looks like now.  This is what the trees look like. Maybe some of these trees think they are womping willows. And then this morning when I got up this is what I saw. At first I thought it was a heavy frost. Then I noticed it was snowing from time to time. I don't know if I'm ready for the white stuff. Like I said what a difference a week makes. That is about all I can say about my hum drum boring life. No excitement going on. As for things I was pondering this week, let see. The big debate, didn't watch it. I'm glad I didn't. There might have been circles on my TV if I did watch it. There was the TV news woman that got an e-mail from some guy criticizing her weight. I applaud the way she responded. As for the guy who sent it, ABC found him and questioned him about it. To me he is a very self absorbed person. He is more then likely a perf...