Who was the best Snake oil Salesman?

It's really hard for me to say which was more unbelievable. I usually don't watch these things but I thought I'd watch this one.
All I can say is they really don't know how to answer a question. They do a whole lot of talking but they never say much of anything. To me anyway they never gave the answer I was looking for.
Now if I was in charge of one of these things believe me once I got done with them they would only speak the truth in as few words as possible.
This is what I would do:

My number one rule would be to answer the question in as few words as possible. No beating around the bush. If they broke this rule I would get to squirt them with a squirt gun with purple colored water(which does not wash off very easily).
If I didn't like their answer I would get to stick a very sticky sad face on their forehead.
Then after the first question I would call out a number and someone from the audience would come down and I would then let them know they are sitting above a dunk tank. I would then ask the audience person what they thought of the answer and ask them if one of them should be dunked. ( I would have two special buttons on the table) Once the person choose which one they like the least, they would get push the button sending that person into a tank full of purple water. The more they get dunked the darker purple they would become.
I think we have to remind them that they work FOR US not the other way around. They must learn to be humbled every once in awhile.

Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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