A sad time for all

By now everyone has heard about both of these events.
So many innocent people died for reasons at this time no one really understands. So many little children assassinated in away no one could have ever imagined would ever have happened. My heart goes out to all the family, friends and the communities that are forever changed.
Everyone wants to know why. Unfortunately we will never know the real reason why both of these individuals felt so driven to do what they did.
I have not heard much about the shooter in Oregon. The only thing I heard mention at one time was he could have been rejected from serving in the military for some reason. Something happened that he turned dark just before he went on his shooting spree.
Now the one in Connecticut, there is still allot of confusion on why he did what he did. A few hints I've heard have lead me to believe he had a very troubled life. He was a loner. He had problems in school so his mother home schooled him. His parents were divorced. Some people said the family was not overly friendly. But none of these things are reasons to kill young innocent children.
Here is one idea that has been running around in my head as to why he did what he did. Remember it's just a thought. His mother was very judgmental of him or was always pushing him to do things she thought he should be doing. Maybe he felt she was always comparing him to the kids she might have taught. He could have felt she loved them more then she loved him. Unfortunately we will never know exactly what drove him to do this most horrendous act.
I know this is stirring the pot for pushing gun control. Me, I'm not a gun person. The husband has his guns for hunting and that kind of stuff. These kind of guns are fine in my book. You are feeding your family. Now when it comes to assault guns and semi automatic guns, that's where I have my issue. These kind of guns promote mass damage. But some people say you have to protect yourself and your family. The criminals have these kind of guns, so why can't I? That is where the problem lies. The wrong people have these kind of guns already. That's why things will not change when it comes to guns. You do have the right to bare arms. I know this. I would never deny anyone this right. I would just like to know if there is a line anymore between defending yourself and destroying others in the most brutal way possible.

This week for me has been a different one also. Not as bad as these other people. The husband had his back surgery. He came home on Thursday. He was in one day longer then we thought he was going to be because he had an episode where he passed out. All he remembers is he felt light headed and the next thing he knew four or five nurses were yelling at him. He said there was even a crash cart in the room. They ran all kinds of tests to see if anything else was wrong, but they found nothing. I think he might have moved to fast and got light headed. Plus he had not eaten yet that morning. But that's just my guess. He's home now. Sore and using what he thought he would not need, a walker.

Well that's all for now.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.         


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