December 22, 2012 and we are still here

So how many of you spent yesterday underground? I was calling it Happy Bunker Day.
I know some of you will say it could still end at any moment so you will continue to spend time underground.
You can only stay there for so long. I guess you spent all that money on these things so you might as well make the most out of it.
I wonder when someone will come up with the next end date?
Just think of all the money that was spent on this idea. Just think of what else could have been done with that money.
Well at least you now have a storm cellar you can go into when the weather gets to stormy.
If you are hoarding all kinds of food, you can relax for awhile, you don't have to go to the store for awhile. With the bad harvest this year you might be able to keep yourself fed better for this next year.

I was just thinking about this next year 2013.
How many people will look at it as a bad luck year?
Maybe that will be the next excuse for things going bad.

Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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