Goodbye to 2012

I'd like to say goodbye to 2012.
It was another challenging year.
And a frustrating one.
An annoying one.

Every year is a challenging one. Life happens all the time. Little day to day things. The husband had his surgery, which went fine. Now it's just a matter of time before he can go back to work. 
You know I really have to record things better that happened so I can look back at them when I need to.

It was  frustrating in allot ways.
 The weather. It was a very dry summer around here. It made it hard for the husband to make a good hay crop. He was not able to make and sell as much as he wanted too. But so far this winter we have more snow this time of year then we had last year.
Work had it's issues from time to time. His place of employment has been limiting in a way. Cutting back on hours and pay. This makes it hard to pay bills. My job, not as busy as it has been in the past. But at least I was working steady.
Politicians made it a very frustrating one. They have made everyone feel like a hostage. I'd like to tell them we are tired of being pawns in your twisted little game. Whatever they are trying to prove, I for one would like them to stop. Just because you THINK you know better does not mean you do.

As for being annoying, well that would once again be the politicians. We suffered almost all year with political adds with the most mud slinging to date. All they wanted to do was play the blame game. It's always the other ones fault that things are the way they are. Maybe if they stop playing the blame game and really started finding solutions things would turn around.

With the new year starting tomorrow I would like to say a few things I would like to do.
Well, for one I want to become more organized. I'm a little bit disorganized in allot of ways.
I would like to become more creative. Let my imagination run wild more. Not let others tell me I can't. Just because they don't want to does not mean I can't.
Be more out going. I'll be looking for things that help me be more out there in some area in my boring humdrum life.
 These are just a few of things I plan on continuing to work on. Just because it's going to be a new year does not mean these are new promises. They are the same old same old things I do.

So I'll just say one last time
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.
 One last thing, how do you like my scribble art? If you look close you can see it says Goodbye to 2012.


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