Change is a happening, as always

Sorry I'm late doing a post but I was not sure what I wanted to post. I also worked Saturday morning and slept a little later Sunday morning. I do my best writing early in the morning on the weekends. Then I suppose your wondering why I'm I writing on a Tuesday morning? I've got the day off because the husband has a doctor appointment. I usually don't put this kind of thing here but it's time to talk about it. He has a  ruptured disk in his back. He will be having surgery next month. So we are dealing with allot of emotional stuff right now. Nerves are starting to ramp up. So from time to time I will have more posts or not post for a long time. But when I do I'll try to say something that is worth pondering for ya all.

So let me begin my ponders:

Well now that the elections are over, no more political adds to drive us nuts.

But it does not mean the messes are over. There are new messes, new distractions and new secrets to expose.
Secrets like the General Petraeus thing. But to tell you the truth it really does not surprise me at all. There will be lots of digging around to find out how much has been compromised with the nations security because this man had to find a different box to explore other then his wife's. Maybe it would never have come out if he had chosen one that was not going to get possessive over him. Some how someone is going to put all the blame on her and make him out to be the victim of a crazy woman. Time will tell.

How about the fiscal cliff we are heading for?
This about sums it all up.

There is always the mess from the storms on the east coast.

So many people are still out of power. Allot of people will not be having a very good holiday time for the rest of this year. This is the kind of mess that will take years to clean up. They can sugar coat it all they want there is no quick fix to something like this.
And if you believe in global warming there is a whole lot more headed our way. No matter where you live.
As for global warming, is it our fault? In my opinion, some of it. It's a natural cycle the planet goes through. We are just making it happen faster then it should be. But then again, I could be wrong. There is no denying the planet is going through a bigger change then usual. But whatever or if you believe whoever is at fault money will not stop it from happening. We just all have to learn to change and adapt or we will be the next on the endangered species list.

I've been watching the show Revolution on NBC. It kind of makes you think how would we behave if something similar to this did happen? In this show they make it look like the murderously  insane are ruling. Could this happen? I'm hoping not. What I see happening is small communities pulling together to protect and help one another. People from bigger cities will have a harder time. If only there was more trust in one another, things could run smoothly. But distrust, jealousy and miss placed hate rid is what drives so many of us. And there are so many people that want someone to take care of them. To just give them things without them earning it for themselves. Change is the hardest thing to do. But if you're not willing to step out of your comfort zone, things will only get worse.

Well those are my ponders for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.      


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