Secede from the Nation?
Life for me is as boring and humdrum as always. I get up. I go to work. I take care of my critters. I do house work. I go to bed. That about sums up a usual humdrum day for me.
I do from time to time ask people an off the wall kind of question, just to entertain myself while I'm at work. The latest question is based on something I heard on the news.
States that want to secede from the nation.

So I was asking them if they could think of anyone who would sign a petition like that. Some gave names, some even said they would. When they said they would I was a little surprised but, I knew they really didn't think about what it would take to do something like that.
Just think what it would take to really start over. You would more then likely lose social security and medicare. No more being taken care of in anyway shape or form.( That's one thing I think should be encouraged less anyway.) Family members that live in other states that did not secede from the union, would you be able to get together as easily as you do now? Or would there be a whole long process to go through? And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
It's allot to ponder when you really think about it. Starting a whole new nation so to speak. I know most people in all states would never want to to do it anyway. So I propose we find an uninhabited island somewhere for all these people that signed this petition, send them there. Give them enough supplies for six months and tell them to go for it and make a nation exactly they way they want it.Almost like survivor but with no camera to watch their every move. Or make it like the Truman Show of kind thing.(Without them knowing they are being watched.) After the six months is up we will then contact them and tell them we will now meet with their leaders to find out if we can be allies or not. Chances are they will be begging to come back. I would tell them," If you want to start a new nation you have to start over from scratch."
That's one of the problems with people today, they want things to always be their way. Sometimes I want to say things are not getting done or moving forward as they should because the 'Old Boys Club' does not like to give up their power to certain other people, if you know what I mean.
Oh well, that's my ponder for now.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.
I do from time to time ask people an off the wall kind of question, just to entertain myself while I'm at work. The latest question is based on something I heard on the news.
States that want to secede from the nation.
So I was asking them if they could think of anyone who would sign a petition like that. Some gave names, some even said they would. When they said they would I was a little surprised but, I knew they really didn't think about what it would take to do something like that.
Just think what it would take to really start over. You would more then likely lose social security and medicare. No more being taken care of in anyway shape or form.( That's one thing I think should be encouraged less anyway.) Family members that live in other states that did not secede from the union, would you be able to get together as easily as you do now? Or would there be a whole long process to go through? And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
It's allot to ponder when you really think about it. Starting a whole new nation so to speak. I know most people in all states would never want to to do it anyway. So I propose we find an uninhabited island somewhere for all these people that signed this petition, send them there. Give them enough supplies for six months and tell them to go for it and make a nation exactly they way they want it.Almost like survivor but with no camera to watch their every move. Or make it like the Truman Show of kind thing.(Without them knowing they are being watched.) After the six months is up we will then contact them and tell them we will now meet with their leaders to find out if we can be allies or not. Chances are they will be begging to come back. I would tell them," If you want to start a new nation you have to start over from scratch."
That's one of the problems with people today, they want things to always be their way. Sometimes I want to say things are not getting done or moving forward as they should because the 'Old Boys Club' does not like to give up their power to certain other people, if you know what I mean.
Oh well, that's my ponder for now.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.