
Showing posts from 2016

December 2016

Well, here we are the last month of this year. Where did the year go?  Last month was a very interesting one for our future.  But before I start pondering a few things I want to share the picture I just took of the swing. For being the beginning of Dec. there is no snow on the ground. It's kind of sad. I'm use to seeing the white stuff on the ground. The grass is still green. None of the water is frozen either.We did have a little snow on the ground for the gun hunting season. But it's gone again. The husband did get two deer, a six point buck, which we donated and a doe which he gave to one of his brothers. We have enough meat in the freezer from the buck he got at the beginning of bow season. Here are two pictures of what the swing looked like for the last two years:  2015 2014 Less snow each year. Is this global warming or just a thing the planet is going through? Or like I say, the weather is a month behind itself. The planet is always cha...

Just Breath

I have to keep telling myself to just breath you will survive. This was an election that has to have been the worst I've ever seen so far. But I guess people just have to learn the hard way about everything. I know politics is the hardest to understand in the best of times. But this one broke all records in my book. I wonder if people realize that with a Republican president and congress, there is a high chance that the wrong things will become a reality that will take their breath away. Plus this person will be choosing at least one supreme court justice. What kind of new unfair justice will they stand behind? Will women lose more in the long run? Will non-white people suffer even more? How will dealing with other counties be handled? Will when a woman reaches a certain age where they are no long attractive, have to start wearing a total cover up and stay only in the kitchen? Only arm candy will be permitted to be seen in public with men. So many ponderin...

November 1, 2016

I'm not sure how long this post will be because I'm kind of tired and a little unfocused.  This month seamed to just fly by. But when I think about it I really didn't get a whole lot done. I still have to take pictures of the projects I got done. I will get it taken. I might even post again this month just to prove I got something done lately. Yesterday was Halloween. I did take the day off from work. I was just planning to have a casual kind of day. You know some housework and maybe some baking of some kind. Didn't happen. The husband also took the day off and thought it would be a good idea to get in the car and just bum around for the day. So that's what we did. We headed a little south west of here. We stop in a town called Hatfield. never been there before. The attraction for the husband was a couple of months ago it flooded around that area. He wanted to see the dam.  The water is of course no longer high. But we still walked around the dam a...

Pondering the possibilities

I know I have only been doing this once a month lately and your wondering what I'm doing here at this time of the month. I couldn't wait any longer to say a few things that have been on my mind lately. First I'll get the top thing off my mind. The up coming election. I think it is nothing but a farce. The top two people that are running are the worst of the worst. How did we allow this to happen? Or did we? Did the average person really choose them? Is it possible they are just a distraction from what is really going on? WWIII If that is the case then we as a country, and lets face it as the whole world are up shit creek without a paddle. Ever since this election thing started last year I had a feeling it was going to be nothing but a joke. And it is. It does not matter who gets voted in. The changes that are about to happen are going to be very hard to everyone. Except the 1% that know exactly where we are headed.  That's why they are trying...

October 2016

Well it's the beginning of a another month. This year is just flying by.  I had kind of a busy September. I was on vacation for two weeks. I know you want to know what I did for two weeks. Well here is the run down of what I did for two weeks.  The first thing is I went to my family cabin on the Saturday before Labor day and hung out with the family. I brought my game Cards against Humanity. Thanks to my girls I have I think all of the expansion packs so I have the Bigger Blacker Box. If your someone who gets offended very easily do not play this game. You must have a sense of humor when you play this game. I didn't bring my camera so no pictures. And no I do not have a smart phone, I have a flip phone. I'm old school. I believe a phone is for phone calls. Not taking pictures, playing games and checking out whatever or whoever at a moments notice, just because your nosy and  need instant answers.  It was nice hanging out with the family for the day and it...

September 2016

I know I'm late with a post. I usually do it on the first of the month. I have not been in the mood to write. Not to say I have nothing to say. I do have plenty of that stored up. In my head. But Not in the mood to put it down in writing. This last month was an interesting one for different reasons for different people. The weather was still doing what it always does, changing everyday. Politics, it's like watching a couple of middle school kids fight to be number one in only a way  middle school kids can. Calling names and making insulting comments about everyone not exactly like themselves. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my sanity till November not to say I have it now. I just might have to stop watching the news, answering the phone, reading the paper. The only way that will happen is if I crawl under a rock. But crawling under a rock will not help. Maybe it's time the country stop relying on a two party system and branch out to other choices...

August 1, 2016

Well another month has gone by. How was your month? For me personally, not to bad. I did decide to start letting my inner bitch come out from time to time when needed. I'm tired of always caving in to others and letting them do what they want even though my wants and needs are just as important as theirs. So watch out world here I come, ready or not. Let's see, how about the weather. This last month was either hot or very wet. Up north of here close to Ashland, a number of roads were washed out during one rain storm. Some of these roads will be awhile before they are fixed right. I just wonder what this month will bring. Will it continue or have a sudden change? I think there is a possibility we could have an early winter around here with colder temps then we had this last time. Bears are starting to hit some of the neighbors bird feeders. That's why I do not feed the birds in the summer or fall. I will put seed out after I know the bears are hopeful...


I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all the old ideas that should have been left at the side but are always front and center. Things are never going to change until we start living for a future and not the past view of things. We like to tell ourselves that everyone is here for a reason.  The question is what is the reason? Is it for the good or for the bad?  Are we suppose to continue to live for past things that happened generations ago? When we live like this the future will only look like the past. If the past is hated so much, how come so many insist on keeping it going? For I would like to be able to judge someone for them, not the bad image that is always being presented to me by others. Will we ever be able to live honestly with common sense? Will respect ever be a trend and something everyone really strives for? Sometimes it feels like the people who say they want to fix things are the ones making it worse. All people have got to come toge...

It's July 2016!

I know if anyone is following me, I'm sorry I'm late with this post. I was out of town yesterday so I'll post something now. First I will share a couple of pictures I took on Friday. We were up north of here at Minocqua. These were taken at the "Wildwood Wild Life Park. They are always changing things. They are adding an area that will  have more animals from Africa. It is a very family friendly place. There are a number of goats that are running around in the one area. And some deer that are running around in another. And as you can see there also a number of turtles running around. And you can see having fun with one another. After seeing that I know why there were so many smaller turtles in different pens.  And this black bear was just chillin' out, maybe after one to many bear sodas. You can feed this bear or another bear a bottle of soda that you can buy from a machine especially for them.  If you find yourself up north you should check out Mi...

June 1st, sort of

Right at this moment I'm really not in the mood to do to much sharing. So here is a picture I took while I was sitting by the fire pit one night. It's kind of on the windy side right now so I can't burn the pit right now. Here are some turkey's that came to strut their stuff one night.There was also three hens with them. I think there might be a possibility that one of the hens might have a nest some where near by. Speaking of baby birds. There are a number of Robins that have different nests around the yard. One under our deck. They might be gone now. it does not take long for them to lay eggs, hatch out and then the babies fly away. One in a tree at the front of the house. They are hatched out and gone already. Another one in the barn on top of a post that the husband wanted to more. They have finally flew the nest so he moved the spare post. I think there is one in the big garage that have hatched out and moved on. At least one more in the hay ...

May 1, 2016

Another month has just breezed by for 2016.  Before I get into anything else I will show you a picture of the swing I just took. I've got some branches that I raked up from the yard that I put in the fire  pit. Now I just have to get the right time to light it. It was a little windy just now so it will have to wait till maybe this coming weekend.  As you can see the grass is green but there no leaves on the trees yet. Still waiting for the temps to warm up and stay warm. There is still a nip in the air. To compare here is what it looked like last year.    I guess it looks a lot the same. When it comes to this time of year it kind looks the same year to year. I just might not show you the differences during the summer  months and early fall. The only time you can really tell the difference from year to year is during the winter months. So I will not be showing you the swing for a while, unless there is a big change that happens dur...

April 1, 2016

It's hard to believe it's the beginning of April already. How has your last month go? Mine was nothing much to talk about. Before I get into anything let me show you the swing. As you can see, no snow, at the moment I took this picture. But it has been snowing a little bit here and little bit there. It does not stay long, thank goodness. I just want it to dry up so we can start doing other things in outside. Here are pictures of the swing from the last two years. This was last year,2015 This was 2014, the year we didn't think winter would ever end. You just never know what the weather will like at this time from year to year. I'm thinking about stopping showing you pictures of the swing every month. During the summer it does not change very much. Each winter can be so different, that is the time to share a picture. But what I was thinking of doing is maybe just doing it 4 times a year. You know for the start of each season. Then you will s...

March 1, 2016

It's the first of a month and I finally have a little time to post something. To start with here is a picture of the swing I just took. It's a nice sunny day right now, but it is a little on the chilly side. It's around 20 degrees right now. Not a whole lot of snow on the round right now. Next week it is suppose to get warmer. I hope we do have an early spring. I want to do things outside. Now to compare, here are pictures from the last two years. Last year. 2014 Now that year we had snow. With each year we are getting less and less snow. I wonder how much we will have next year at this time. I'm sorry to say I do not have a project done. It's almost done but not quite. I will have it finished by the start of next month, I promise. Plus I might have another one also, maybe. I suppose I should ponder something. Since today is what they are calling Super Tuesday I guess I could comment on the possibilities of what could happen aft...

February 1, 2016

Hi all! How was the first moth of the year for you? Mine was quieter then it was for others. Before I get into other things let me show you the swing. This time tomorrow, it will look different. We are suppose to get a snow storm. Not as bad as they had it on the East coast but they are already canceling some  schools for tomorrow.  Now here are the last two years to compare swing with.  This is from last year. As you can see there was more snow on the ground then this year. 2014. The swing was almost covered with snow. I wonder what next year will look like.  You never know what kind of winter you will have in Wisconsin each year. But I think you can say that almost everywhere. I'm sorry, but I have not finished a project in time to show you. I just have not been in the mood to do much crafting. I do want to have at least two project to show you next time. Now I suppose it's time once again for things to ponder. As I'm writing this...