December 2016

Well, here we are the last month of this year. Where did the year go? 
Last month was a very interesting one for our future. 
But before I start pondering a few things I want to share the picture I just took of the swing.

For being the beginning of Dec. there is no snow on the ground. It's kind of sad. I'm use to seeing the white stuff on the ground. The grass is still green. None of the water is frozen either.We did have a little snow on the ground for the gun hunting season. But it's gone again. The husband did get two deer, a six point buck, which we donated and a doe which he gave to one of his brothers. We have enough meat in the freezer from the buck he got at the beginning of bow season.
Here are two pictures of what the swing looked like for the last two years:
Less snow each year.
Is this global warming or just a thing the planet is going through?
Or like I say, the weather is a month behind itself.
The planet is always changing itself all by itself.
I do know the weather is nothing like I remember growing up.
One year, my older sister and I on Thanksgiving, skated around a lake that our Grandparents lived on at the time. Granted we stayed very close the shore. If we hear a crack of any kind we went closer to the shore. 
This year, you would have had to have a boat.
Oh well, for all we know, next year we will be buried in snow. Or not.

I promised to show you a couple of project I did.

 The first one is a bank. The picture is the first picture of my first grandchild. I'm going to be a grandma in June!!!!
These are leaves. They were suppose to be put on a basket but I decided to put them in the front window for fall. 
I'm working very slowly on the next project. As soon as I get it done I'll show it to you.

Now I suppose I better do a little pondering.
How do I start this......
The end result of the election.
Not what I thought would happen.
I'm no fan of the president elect.
I try not to say his name to often So to avoid saying his name I'm calling him Dweeb Boy.
Now, when I say dweeb I have a whole different other meaning.
D.W.E.E.B. stands for Dim Witted Endlessly Egotistical Bastard. Or Bitch whichever you prefer.
I do not see good things happening.
He got the wrong people believing the wrong things.
That he was going to make changes that are going to put this country in a different direction. 
The changes they think he will do, will be very devastating for a lot of innocent people. People who are just trying to live a quiet kind of life. Make an honest living. Live the American dream.
But more people are going to judge others because of how the look and or how the worship.
Fear of everyone will be norm for all.
He is a big businessman first, remember that. 
It will be the biggest profit for his family and other very rich people. 
The average worker, like myself, will pay the biggest price in the long run.
Now, I'm giving him six months to change my mind. So far he is not doing a very good job of it.

Well I suppose that's about all I have to say today.
I will try to maybe pop in again soon. Maybe before the holidays are totally over. Or if Dweeb Boy does something really stupid. Or if someone else does something really stupid. 
That's a lot of possibilities.
So till next time. 
Keep on Pondering the Pondering Possibilities.  


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