March 1, 2016
It's the first of a month and I finally have a little time to post something.
To start with here is a picture of the swing I just took.
It's a nice sunny day right now, but it is a little on the chilly side. It's around 20 degrees right now. Not a whole lot of snow on the round right now. Next week it is suppose to get warmer. I hope we do have an early spring. I want to do things outside.
Now to compare, here are pictures from the last two years.
Last year.
Now that year we had snow.
With each year we are getting less and less snow. I wonder how much we will have next year at this time.
I'm sorry to say I do not have a project done. It's almost done but not quite. I will have it finished by the start of next month, I promise. Plus I might have another one also, maybe.
I suppose I should ponder something.
Since today is what they are calling Super Tuesday I guess I could comment on the possibilities of what could happen after I post this entry.
It does not look good.
If Trump comes out ahead of the pack and claims an over all victory, I do not see anything good coming from it. The things this man could get us into because of his mouth is a very scary thing for me to think about. People want to find ways to help stop bulling but, with someone like that leading the country, why even try anymore. Bulling will be the thing to be known for.
Common sense and respect will be thrown right out the window.
I can not see this man representing ME to the world. Do you really want him to represent YOU?
Being a phony baloney will be a must.
As for the rest of the republicans, stop trying to play his game, I like to call, "Who can make fun of who the best"
Talk issues. Talk plans. Stop stooping to his level. Be the grown up.
As for the democrats, I'm thinking it will be Hillary. In my eyes, she is the lesser of two evils. I would like to see a woman president but is she the right one?
I have had a thought that I wonder if I could get people to join in on. What is it you ask?
Well, as some of you know I have another blog called, "Dear Howard, a Fading History". It's based on old letters that were sent to my grandpa in the 1920's. Some of the letters are very interesting. They get me thinking about all the small and big things that happen that fade away never to be heard of again.
Anyway, every once in awhile I think about putting together a kind of time capsule that would not be opened for a hundred years. I think it would be very interesting to to get people to maybe keep a kind of journal for a year. Then collect all the journals. Seal them up so no one can read them, not even me. Find a place to store them with instructions that it not be opened for 100 years. The things that could be stored away and not revealed until long after everyone you know is gone.How honest would people be?
The things that could be collected would range from day to day happenings from people that would not other wise be remembered as an important person.
Thoughts about things that were going on at the time in the world.
Newspaper clippings.
Prices of different things.
Pictures of the people involved.
Just information about anything and everything.
So I have a question for you. Would you like to be involved in something like this?
Just think about how much things have changed in the last hundred years. What could the world be like in another hundred? Wouldn't you like to remind the world you did exist and you had ideas about how things would be in the future?
Well that's about all I have for you today.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.