August 1, 2016

Well another month has gone by. How was your month?
For me personally, not to bad.
I did decide to start letting my inner bitch come out from time to time when needed.
I'm tired of always caving in to others and letting them do what they want even though my wants and needs are just as important as theirs.
So watch out world here I come, ready or not.

Let's see, how about the weather.
This last month was either hot or very wet.
Up north of here close to Ashland, a number of roads were washed out during one rain storm. Some of these roads will be awhile before they are fixed right.
I just wonder what this month will bring. Will it continue or have a sudden change?
I think there is a possibility we could have an early winter around here with colder temps then we had this last time.
Bears are starting to hit some of the neighbors bird feeders. That's why I do not feed the birds in the summer or fall. I will put seed out after I know the bears are hopefully sleeping. 
This year the field next to me is planted in corn. Which is very tall. It does make me more nervous. Because a corn field is a bigger draw for bears as it gets closer to fall and time to harvest it. A bear will sit in a corn field and flatten spots just eating to it's heart content. I've seen it happen. Afterwards. In a field one year that is behind the one next to me. 
I decided to take a picture of the swing with the corn in the background.

The corn is so tall we can only see the tops of some of trees on the other side of the field. Like I said a perfect place for a bear or deer to hide right now.

I also have a couple of project to share with you.

It's a basket. It could be used to hold a plant. I just don't have a plant that would fit in it right now. The other thing is a poke that can be put in a plant. Not sure if I will keep it or not. I might give it someone for their birthday. But we'll see, I might change my mind and get a plant that looks good in it.

Now I suppose I better ponder something.
The thing that has been on my mind lately is the out of this world comments that keep coming out of Donald Trumps mouth. How can anyone support a person like that?
I can't and never will.
Everything he says is insulting to someone all the time.
There is a lot of nonsense being said.
Some say his words are being twisted.
The only one really twisting his words is the Donald himself.
Does he ever really listen to himself?
As far as I can tell he does not understand the meaning of true sacrifice.
He is so used to everyone giving into him, his ego is out of control.
I want him to be truly humbled in some way.
Maybe then he will understand way so many people are up in arms about his comments.
It I could challenge him to do something, I would challenge him to spend a week on an Amish farm doing the kind of work they do. The only thing is no cameras of any kind would be allowed. No recording on tape. Nothing to show him doing anything. I take that back there could be some still pictures taken by one person showing him getting down and dirty the Amish way. I would love to volunteer to be the person taking the pictures. In the end I would have the Amish people tell how he did. In their own words. Hopefully without laughing to hard. It is harvest time, so who's with me? Should we tell Donald Trump that the only way anyone will vote for him is if he can do this challenge?
Oh, what a thought. Would any Amish even want him on their farm.? I mean the kind of Amish that live in my area. Horse and buggy, wearing black kind of Amish.
He will never take this kind of challenge. He is a pampered pooch.
I know I'm naughty.

Well I better stop before I really get myself in trouble.
I hope you will stop by again.
Don't forget to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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