Pondering the possibilities

I know I have only been doing this once a month lately and your wondering what I'm doing here at this time of the month.
I couldn't wait any longer to say a few things that have been on my mind lately.
First I'll get the top thing off my mind.
The up coming election.
I think it is nothing but a farce.
The top two people that are running are the worst of the worst.
How did we allow this to happen? Or did we? Did the average person really choose them?
Is it possible they are just a distraction from what is really going on?
If that is the case then we as a country, and lets face it as the whole world are up shit creek without a paddle.
Ever since this election thing started last year I had a feeling it was going to be nothing but a joke. And it is.
It does not matter who gets voted in.
The changes that are about to happen are going to be very hard to everyone. Except the 1% that know exactly where we are headed. 
That's why they are trying to stuff their pockets as much as possible.
We have all seen what happens when a company focuses more on how much they can get out in the least amount of time. They call it technology. I call it job elimination.Why do you think there are so many recalls of things?
It is starting to bit some in the backside.
It is less then a month before this reality show of an election will be decided and then we have to deal with where we are headed. I'm sure I'm ready for that but maybe it's time I really did.

Image result for tiny houses
Another thing I've noticed on TV lately is all of these shows that focus on Tiny Living.
Why? How did this become a thing?
To willingly want to live in a few hundred square feet. 24/7. With more then one person is a mystery to me. The question is do they really? 
They are just custom make trailers. Some people have no choice but to live in something like that size. But to want to because they think they will save money. Is it worth it in the long run? Or is just a keeping up with the Jones's kind of thing. Monkey see, money do.
Sure they can do amazing things in such a small space. But why would you be willing to put yourself through that kind of pressure living in such a small space with sometimes 5 or 6 other people? And some of them are little kids or teenagers.And we all know what happens when a young person feels trapped by the parents.
Or is most of this just for a show and the people that have these things made really use them for vacations and not a main living space. I always look at the kids faces. They are really not happy about this. No real privacy. One big open space. No real full size bathtub. (I like to soak from time to time.) 
I have yet to see anything like this on the roads around here.
Or maybe the reason why this is being shown so much is because soon no one will be able to live a good home. We will all become gypsy's traveling from place to place. All these people are trying to make it look like it is the thing of the future to people who want to be on top of the trends.

As for me wanting to do something like that, that is a big fat NO!
It's a nice place to visit for a short while but not a way of life for me. 
I like space. And a basement.
Wood heat and a place to keep a good supply of wood dry and ready for use for an extended amount of time.
To have comfy places to sit and sleep without feeling like the walls are closing in on me.
To be able to sit up and stand next to the bed without slumping over like a hunchback.
Maybe it's because of my age but when I look at those tiny houses, I want to put a sign on one that says, "Contents under pressure, enter with extreme caution."
Because it's only a matter of time before there is a big blow up over something.

Well I think that I feel a little bit better. 
So I will close for now.
Don't forget to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.  


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