Why do people want to blow themselves up?
Hello one and all. I survived the bitter cold. But there was one tragedy. My poor car had to spend the time in the car hospital. It had to have a fuel pump transplant. It's now home and resting comfortably in the garage. Well I did get to drive it to work yesterday. So I guess you can say it's as fit as a fiddle. The bill of course did damage to the bank account. Hopefully it will recover and get back to at least looking a bit better then it does now.
I'm thinking this year I'm going to try and put more humor in this blog about my boring, hum drum life. It's time I opened up and show more of my goofiness. Not to say I won't still rant and comment about other things in the news, because you know I will.
So that being said there is one newsy thing that is worth commenting on that happened just the other day over near Wausau.
A house blow up.

I'm surprised it has not been on the national news because of what they found. Not only the house blowing up but trip wires set up in a way that when tripped were suppose to trigger another explosion. Apparently, the owner wanted to kill anyone who came to help and to cause maximum destruction. They did find a body in the basement but have not positively identified yet.
I'll never understand what drives people to do this kind of thing. Hurting others who are only trying to help. It will never make any sense to me why people are so hell bent on blowing themselves up and taking as many innocents with them as possible.
You never think that this kind of thing can happen near you. I always picture it over seas not here. Just because it's trending over there does not mean it should be trending here. I think it's time to find a new trend to get attention. Let's see what should the new trend be......how about if you are so unhappy with the way things are going for you, you ask to be sent to the most remote island so you can start your own country where you can make things exactly the way you want them to be.
No one said it was going to be easy taking care of yourself unless your one of those people who wants to be taken care of and do little to nothing to really support yourself.
Maybe that's part of the problem. To many people just want everything handed to them a silver platter.
Or maybe there are just to many alpha dogs out there.
Or to many chief wanna be's and not enough Indians.
Or people that are just not being heard or cared about.
Or to many that are messed up in the mind to really understand reality, that living is not easy no matter who you are.
Karma will eventually catch up you if you choose wrong. Maybe that's where the blowing yourself up comes in. Bad karma builds and builds up inside of you till it wants to explode out of you. If that's the case just blow yourself up and not people who have not reached the exploding part yet. Their own exploding time will come about when the time is right.
Well that's about all for now.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.
So that being said there is one newsy thing that is worth commenting on that happened just the other day over near Wausau.
A house blow up.
I'm surprised it has not been on the national news because of what they found. Not only the house blowing up but trip wires set up in a way that when tripped were suppose to trigger another explosion. Apparently, the owner wanted to kill anyone who came to help and to cause maximum destruction. They did find a body in the basement but have not positively identified yet.
I'll never understand what drives people to do this kind of thing. Hurting others who are only trying to help. It will never make any sense to me why people are so hell bent on blowing themselves up and taking as many innocents with them as possible.
You never think that this kind of thing can happen near you. I always picture it over seas not here. Just because it's trending over there does not mean it should be trending here. I think it's time to find a new trend to get attention. Let's see what should the new trend be......how about if you are so unhappy with the way things are going for you, you ask to be sent to the most remote island so you can start your own country where you can make things exactly the way you want them to be.
No one said it was going to be easy taking care of yourself unless your one of those people who wants to be taken care of and do little to nothing to really support yourself.
Maybe that's part of the problem. To many people just want everything handed to them a silver platter.
Or maybe there are just to many alpha dogs out there.
Or to many chief wanna be's and not enough Indians.
Or people that are just not being heard or cared about.
Or to many that are messed up in the mind to really understand reality, that living is not easy no matter who you are.
Karma will eventually catch up you if you choose wrong. Maybe that's where the blowing yourself up comes in. Bad karma builds and builds up inside of you till it wants to explode out of you. If that's the case just blow yourself up and not people who have not reached the exploding part yet. Their own exploding time will come about when the time is right.
Well that's about all for now.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.