Election ponderings

As most of the country knows Wisconsin had a recall election. I just want to say that from the beginning of this whine I told people it was a waste of time and a waste of money and I was right. Not everyone is ever happy with who becomes the elected official for them. Happiness for everyone will never happen. So you just have to grin and bare it until that persons time is up. And or make your opinion known to that person by voicing your unhappiness to that person in a nice way and not a threatening way. I can't promise they will listen, but hey it's worth a try, right?
I'm really not a fan of politics. They are usually the kind of people who if I knew them personally I would not like them anyway because they usually give off this kind of vibe that tells me they really don't care about me one little bit. So I don't matter. So that one is over and done with for now. Now comes the next big mud slinging event.

The winner will be...... Now if I told you that I would take all the fun out of it for the ones running. Although I get so tired of all those super annoying ads that show up everywhere. Maybe it's a good excuse not to listen to the radio or watch to much TV.
I will tell you that the one who wins will not make everyone happy.

So till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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