Women: Are we turning into second class citizens again?

To all you females out there, do you ever feel like this is still going on in the land of the free?
I do. Lately I've been seeing more and more signs that we are sliding backwards when it comes to being equal to men.
Like what you ask. Well, how do I put this...

This is one of the ways to put it.
I know the one on the right is the extreme version of what some places have their women wear. But lately I've been noticing more and more groups around here where the females are dressed in the longer, plain looking dresses with their hair in braids. I do live in an area where I've grown up seeing the Amish that drive the horse and buggies. The women are usually dressed in long black dresses and wear black bonnets. That I'm use to. But what I'm saying is that I'm seeing more and more of these other kinds of groups. Maybe they've always been there and I just have not noticed them as much until now.
But the more I see them the more I get the feeling that we could be sliding backwards when it comes to being equal. It scares me.
More and more young men are once again treating young women as if they own them and so many young girls, who have low self-esteem, put up with it. Why? I'm sure there are a million and one reasons these girls stay with guys who belittle them. It really just boils down to having lived a life where that's all she know. It's sad.
One other thing I recently saw on the news is where some women look for having an abortion if they are having a girl. This in my book is so wrong on so many levels. I do feel it is up to a woman to decide it she wants to have a baby or not. But there are other ways to prevent a pregnancy in the first place. But to choose to end a pregnancy because it's a girl is the dumbest reason to end one.
If we keep going down these sorts of paths, we will be no better then places like Afghanistan where females are treated like nothing more then a bad dog. In places like that they will eventually do more harm to their causes, treating half their population this way, that it will be their down fall. Just ask any past group of people that treated half of their citizens like slaves. It only works for so long until it causes things to start to fall apart. Remember if it was not for a woman no one would be here at all.
So men, treat women with the kind of respect you want. Equality and respect go hand in hand.


Well that's my ponder for today.
So till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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