Bullying revisited
Bullying is once again in the news again. But when you think about it bullying is the news.
That's all news is about.
The one with the bus monitor being made fun of by a bunch of middle school kids is the latest. And now she is getting allot of money because of it. And the kids are getting death threats. Does anything here really make any sense to you?
I'm glad for the lady for getting the support she is getting. More power to her. The kids should have known better. As for the people who are sending death threats, really? How stupid can you be? Who's being the bully now?
I know allot about being bullied. I was bullied my whole growing up years. I was bullied by family, kids in school, and a few teachers. The thing with kids started in first grade. There a number of reasons why I think and know it started. One was a bladder issue I had. Even once it was fixed in the third grade nothing changed. Feeling bad and left out was a way of life for me. I never really had any real close friends that I could call a kindred spirit or a friend I could really rely on to stand by me. I was set up a number of times to let my guard down till they had something to throw in my face. I developed a chip on my shoulder after awhile. When those old feeling start to creep back in I can get very defensive and standoffish. I put as much distance between them and me whenever possible.
Those feeling, no matter how old you get, are always there. I have let go of most of them. When I see that the lives of those who made my growing up years feel so isolating, are no where near as smooth for them as they always tried to make me believe. I almost feel vindicated. I just tell myself they have only themselves to blame for their life and not me.
With each decade I pass I'm able to let go of more of these feelings. In a few days time I will be half a century old. Like I said some of those feeling never go away.
If I could ask them one question I would ask them if they remember exactly why it all started and why they never stopped?
Do I think bullying will ever stop? No. Not when they keep putting shows on TV that are based on someone getting bullied. All of those reality shows. Everyone of them is based on belittling as many as possible. And as few of them as I've seen, they are getting more and more nasty. They keep my old feelings closer to the surface when they could be fading.
Bulling is unfortunately never going to go away. Not to say we should not try to stop it whenever possible. So stop using technology to make the harassment bigger then it should be. If there had been this kind of thing when I was growing up it's hard to say what would have happened to me.
Well that's my ponder for the day.
Till next time,
keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.