Racking my brain for something to write about
Here are a few things that have been bouncing around in my head lately.
Mother nature:
The fire out in Colorado was apparently started by mother nature herself with the help from some little beetles. I hear someone say that this fire could be burning like this all summer. Can you imagine how much this fire could burn if this happened?
But where I am it had been getting kind of dry. Lawns were starting to turn brown but now it's been raining, except today. It's suppose to be sunny and maybe close to 80. The other night there were frost warnings out. The rest of the week it's suppose to be rainy, again.
So today, for Father's day, it will be nice here. So Dad's enjoy the day. The husband here could be maybe baling a little hay that he had cut down the other day, if it's not to wet other wise it maybe going to waste if the weather forecasters are right this time. They said last week was going to be dry. Boy were they wrong.
Another thing that has been bouncing around in my head is world unrest.
The way I see it someone is doing their best to try and start World War 3 or trying to start the cold war up again. It's not looking good for anyone anywhere. Maybe Mother Nature should do something to make us start all over again before we do it to ourselves in a far more devastating way.
Well those are a few of things that have been bouncing around in my head this last week when I had time. It had been a very busy time for me for me this week. Between power walking some days at work for almost 8 hours and then helping with the local production of "Annie".... I'm co-stage manager for this one. Performances are June 27,28, 29 and 30th. That's with the Medford Area Community Theater.
I'll try to think of a better post for next time.
So till next time,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.