Weekend at House on the Rocks
This last weekend the husband and I along with the youngest one spent the weekend down in Spring Green. We were going to go to House on the Rocks. We were very lucky to find a motel room for the night. If you are wondering what House on the rocks is well, it's a house that was built on top of rocks back in the fifties by a man named Alex Jordan. It open to the public in 1960. It's an amazing place.The most amazing room in the Infinity Room which project about 218 feet out. It contains over 3000 windows. At almost the end is a place where you can look down to the floor of the woods below. He also enjoyed collecting things. It's a collection of collections. In 1968 the next part opened called the Millhouse. Collections included dolls, mechanical banks, paperweights, guns (some looked very strange), things that play all kinds of music plays in different areas. By putting a special token or two in different boxes you could play these different kinds of music. The next part o...