Saturday morning writings

Another Saturday morning. My oldest should be home soon. She works third shift at the local grocery store. She usually comes home and goes to bed not to long later. Most of the time she is still in bed at 5 or 6 in the pm. She just got home this minute.
She filled me in on some of the people who show up at 2am usually drunk. Like this one guy bought some imitation crab meat and started opening it up before he bought it. After he paid for it he offered her some. She politely said no. He and his friend stumbled out of the store. She was really more concerned this weekend with maybe getting hit on by drunk cowboys. There is a rodeo just outside of town this week. But so far no drunk cowboys, just drunk locals.

On Memorial Day I was sitting out on my back deck in the morning reading a book with my dog Fawn standing on my lap looking over my shoulder. Suddenly she starts growling and whining. I thought it was this wild cat that lives in our shed, but it wasn't, it was a hen turkey. It's a good thing we have the bottom third screened in and a gate or she could have went running after it if I didn't have a hold of her collar. I did my best to keep her quiet by trying to hold her mouth shut. But the noises that came out of her mouth made it sound like she was being attacked by something. My husband came out of the house, he was sleeping, telling me to keep her quiet. I showed him the reason why is that a hen turkey just cut through the yard. You could see the turkey was still working it's way though the backwoods.
Later that day when my youngest one was leaving and I was out on the back deck starting to replant a plant when my husband came and told me to come and see something out front. My daughter was by the barn and she was pointing to a turtle that looked like it wanted to try and get in it. She and my husband claimed they didn't know what kind of turtle is was. He thought it might be a snapper. Believe me I know a snapper when I see one. It's shell is rough looking and it has a rough head. This one was a paint turtle. It was a good size one. This is the time of year when you see turtles along the side of the road laying eggs. I'm not sure if this one found a place to lay any eggs in our yard or not. I carefully picked it up making sure it didn't try to pee on me. Turtles as a form of defense try to pee on people when they pick them up. This one didn't. As I was holding it and carrying it to the water hole on the side of the driveway it started to move it's feet back and forth. Usually a turtle will struggle like that all the while you hold it, but this one stopped and I could almost feel it relax as if it knew what I was going to do. Once it was in the water it dove down and popped up for a second, looked at me and then went back down.
The rest of the week was kind of boring. It was rainy and cool most of the week. Work some days was too busy for me, other days slow. But that is a typical week at work. Right now we have a number of collage kids starting for the summer. It pays better then a job at a fast food place. But there are so many other people looking for work around here. Both of the window plants in town have people who are laid off with no hope of being called back any time soon.
As for this weekend, we will be going to my younger sisters house for awhile for a graduation party. Her oldest one just graduated high school. The rest of the weekend we will be working on our front deck. When it is done I will post some pictures of what it looks like.

I promised a friend of mine I would post a poem she wrote so here it is:

My Music
by Lesa M. Ellis

Writing is my music
My words are the harp.
The lines are the strings that tug at my heart
The body is the song that I sing to you
Poetry is my music I write for you.

Pondering questions of the day:

What will happen to all of the children for the polygamist group? Will the group become more closed off not allowing contact with the rest of us? Will they take a harder look at themselves and see that the kind of control they want to have always blows up in your face in a very violent way? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Thought for the day:
"Practise laughter, it's good for you."


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