Another quiet Saturday Morning
Another Saturday morning and all through the house everyone is snoring but me. The sun is starting to come up, it's cloudy and there is rain coming down. At least it's not snowing. I do wish the temps would warm back up. It's only been in the 50's. I want to have the high 60's and mid 70's back.
I wonder if the frog eggs survived the cold we have been having since the frogs had their fun the day it was so warm here. I'll have to go check on them later.

My husband is happy he got a turkey on Thursday. It was 26 pound and it had one inch spurs. The beard was 8 inches long. I guess we'll be having turkey one of theses days.
There are more turkeys that keep showing up in the field next to us but he can not get any more right now so he just has fun trying to call one closer with one of his turkey calls. It's kind of interesting watching a tom turkey come running across the field trying to find a female to strut for.
I have a neighbor to the south who had a pull behind tent camper, well she sold it. I thought maybe they thought because of the high price of gas and the fact she only works at K-mart and the leach of a boyfriend is not working, they could use extra money. Boy was I wrong. She bought an old motor home. She claims it took to long to set up the tent camper. I call that thing 'The White Elephant'. It will be lucky if it gets 8 miles to the gallon. I guess when they have an extra couple of hundred dollars just sitting around doing nothing they will fill up the tank with gas and see how far they get before it runs out of gas or it breaks down. I'm betting on it breaking down first.
Things are so bad everywhere. In my area there are a number of plants that build windows. My husband works at one. He runs the loading dock on the second shift. But in other parts of the plant they are laying people off who have been there for years. I'm talking more then 25 years some of them. Some are starting to apply where I work. Working with a food product right now seems to have a little bit more security then other places, at least around here, but that could change in a heart beat too.
How did we allow this to happen? Everyone is asking why. It is poor leadership, selfishness, greed and laziness.
How do we change it? As of right now, we can't. We are in too deep. There are too many people to deal with. Con artists and ego maniacs rule the world.
Mother nature is making herself heard big time this year. We need to listen to her. Get out of other countries, take care of home first.
Things are happening faster and faster.
Thought of the day:
"Learn to change that which is changeable, and to set aside that which is not."
I wonder if the frog eggs survived the cold we have been having since the frogs had their fun the day it was so warm here. I'll have to go check on them later.
My husband is happy he got a turkey on Thursday. It was 26 pound and it had one inch spurs. The beard was 8 inches long. I guess we'll be having turkey one of theses days.
There are more turkeys that keep showing up in the field next to us but he can not get any more right now so he just has fun trying to call one closer with one of his turkey calls. It's kind of interesting watching a tom turkey come running across the field trying to find a female to strut for.
I have a neighbor to the south who had a pull behind tent camper, well she sold it. I thought maybe they thought because of the high price of gas and the fact she only works at K-mart and the leach of a boyfriend is not working, they could use extra money. Boy was I wrong. She bought an old motor home. She claims it took to long to set up the tent camper. I call that thing 'The White Elephant'. It will be lucky if it gets 8 miles to the gallon. I guess when they have an extra couple of hundred dollars just sitting around doing nothing they will fill up the tank with gas and see how far they get before it runs out of gas or it breaks down. I'm betting on it breaking down first.
Things are so bad everywhere. In my area there are a number of plants that build windows. My husband works at one. He runs the loading dock on the second shift. But in other parts of the plant they are laying people off who have been there for years. I'm talking more then 25 years some of them. Some are starting to apply where I work. Working with a food product right now seems to have a little bit more security then other places, at least around here, but that could change in a heart beat too.
How did we allow this to happen? Everyone is asking why. It is poor leadership, selfishness, greed and laziness.
How do we change it? As of right now, we can't. We are in too deep. There are too many people to deal with. Con artists and ego maniacs rule the world.
Mother nature is making herself heard big time this year. We need to listen to her. Get out of other countries, take care of home first.
Things are happening faster and faster.
Thought of the day:
"Learn to change that which is changeable, and to set aside that which is not."