Pondering the power of Words
Hello all!
I know I promised to post more often. A number of things have gotten in the way.
Number 1.
My computer died.
No for real. The mother board died. So I had to wait till my son-in-law could help me get a new one set up. All I had was my Kindle. I can only do so much on that. I like to work with a bigger screen. My eyes and my hands like bigger things to work with.
Number 2.
I got rear ended after work one day. I didn't get hurt but my car did. To get it fixed will be over 8 thousand. Still waiting on the insurance and the place we plan on taking too, to get the ball rolling. I think it's taking longer because the number the officer gave me on the report at the scene was missing a letter.We plan on calling this week again to see what the hold up is.
Number three.
It's been a bad month with Mercury being in retro grade. Nothing the whole month of July was right. People were just out of sorts around me. And not nice to me. And I felt totally out of sorts. But now that it's August, I do feel better.
It's the best excuse I have, so I'm sticking to it.
Those are the top three things that have made life for me rougher then usual.
One other thing is mother nature has made it very hard for us to do much hiking this summer. Almost every time we wanted to hike it rained. But another thing that is holding up the hikes is the husbands ankle is bothering him more again. Today would be a good day to hike but he has things he wants to do around the yard today since it's not raining for once.
He did finally decide to get rid of all the cattle and not make hay anymore. He finally admits his body can't handle it anymore. So for now the only animals we have outside are the turkeys. Which I take care of. Oh yeah and the cat that lives with them.
So that is the summery of everything around here. Now onto pondering.
Yesterday I heard about the shooting in El Paso at a Walmart. Still waiting to find out if they know the reason why this idiot did it. But then when I got on the puter this morning there was another shooting. This one in Dayton Ohio.
What is wrong in this country that a day can't go by without some idiot shooting innocent people for who knows what reason. What is causing so many people to do these sick things.
Not far from here there was a another killing of five people. One of the five was the killer who killed himself. They were saying it kind of looked like an attempted copycat of what happened to Jamie Claus.
We are living in a world where sadness is all we see.
How did we get here?
We can't go anywhere or do the simplest things without the fear of our lives ending because someone else is unhappy with their life. So they are going to make innocent people pay for their pain and disappointments in their life.
It does not help when the leader of the country is always spouting such negative things.
If I could tell the president one thing. I would tell him that he should choose his words more carefully. Words do have more power then you think.
All leaders and top people of countries and businesses set the tone of the people. If you have an angry leader, manager, CEO or whatever the boss goes by. That energy affects everyone. The more negative things you put out there the more negative responses or affects there are.
Well, that's all I have to say today.
I will try to post more often.
So till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.