Scrapbook from the past

This is an old scrapbook that someone put together. Most of the news paper pictures and other things are from about 1936. I think from time to time I'll try to post something from it. Things are glued in this book on both sides and the book is bigger then my scanner.A couple of things were not glued in so they will be easier to scan and post.
Allot of the pictures are from the winter of 1936. It you want to see allot of snow, boy did they have it back that year. 
This time I'm going to post a poem from this book.
It maybe hard to read so this is what it says.
The Rubberneck
(Sent in by an Ogema reader)

There was a rubberneck, once on a time,
That was always eternally on the line.
No matter if she was snug in her bed- she'd have to hear what the neighbor said.
So out of her warm nest she'd spring,
Whenever she'd hear that phone ring.
A breath of scandal, by the way loses none of it's flavor, so they say
When over the wire it happens to go.
Any more than it does when whispered low.
So she got all the news in the country round,
And the things that happened in the town.
And she heard every man that made a date
With another woman over the line, 
News that made her feel fine.
Her greedy old ears, day after day
Gathered all the news that passed that way.
She got all that happened by day or night-
The births and deaths- the man that got tight,
And whaled the stuffin' out of his wife,
All added to her quiet rural life.
But when she came to town to pay the rent on her phone, she'd always say:
"We couldn't get central for a week or more,
No one can hear us-
Our batteries are poor.
I rarely go near the darn old thing,
But our neighbors always answer every ring.
I think it a shame, when you pay for a phone,
That neighbors won't be decent and let us alone.
I never answer a wrong ring but once
And then central sassed me - the pert little dunce.
The girls that you hire do nothing but read-
You never can get them, when great is your need.
And, oh yes: My man told me when I came away,
That he'd take out the phone if you made us pay
That extra fifty cents outside of the rent-
Charged us for a message that we never sent."
When central dies and to heaven she goes,
She'll leave behind her bundle of woes.
But the biggest of all she will leave in her flight,
Is the person that rubbers by day and by night.
(Author unknown)

Reading this in away reminds me of the internet, kind of. With one exception, people willingly put everything out there for others to see. Then they get mad when they find out that someone they do not like knows about their life more then they want them to know. 
My pondering question is this; When will people stop over sharing and get a real life?

Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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