Bunkers, Good thing or a bad thing?
I was going to make that post about me but I'm still looking for the right pictures to go along with it. So I guess I'll once again comment on the news.
The man that has the little five year old boy in a bunker.
Everyone is wondering how this will end. Right now to me, it does not good. He looks like a person who is very set in his ways and thinking that there will be no way to get him to change his reasoning for doing what he did, whatever they are. Most of us are thinking there has to be some way for this to end so the little boy will not be hurt any more than he has already been. But we are not the people trained to deal with people like this. I do have a couple of questions. Does this man have any family? It there anyway they could get someone he knows to talk to him? Or is he a complete loner who pictures the whole world is against him? Those kind of people are next to impossible to get to see what would be best for an innocent child. He is backed into a corner and is like a snake that could strike at any time. Lets just hope the little boy does not have to celebrate his sixth birthday without his family and friends around him.
Speaking of bunkers, have you any of you seen Doomsday Preppers?

I do watch it . At first it was just for some of the things people do to prepare for some big change that could be right around the corner. Now it's to see how off the wall some of these people are with their paranoia. Some are really bad. Some are just sad. I do think that allot of this is just for show, to get on TV and get their 15 minutes of fame.
These are the kind of people who put the fear into others. Buying guns of mass destruction. Telling people they need this to protect themselves from all the other people who want what they have. They do nothing but promote fear and distrust of everyone. If something does ever happen, I'm hoping communities will be able to come together as one and help each other. But unfortunately this will be a hard thing to do. There is so much distrust and jealousy it will be hard to convince everyone to work together.
In the mean time I will live my life as I always have. I do wish I had the energy to keep a garden growing that could produce a good crop. Someday, maybe.

Ya never know I might do something like this someday.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.
The man that has the little five year old boy in a bunker.
Everyone is wondering how this will end. Right now to me, it does not good. He looks like a person who is very set in his ways and thinking that there will be no way to get him to change his reasoning for doing what he did, whatever they are. Most of us are thinking there has to be some way for this to end so the little boy will not be hurt any more than he has already been. But we are not the people trained to deal with people like this. I do have a couple of questions. Does this man have any family? It there anyway they could get someone he knows to talk to him? Or is he a complete loner who pictures the whole world is against him? Those kind of people are next to impossible to get to see what would be best for an innocent child. He is backed into a corner and is like a snake that could strike at any time. Lets just hope the little boy does not have to celebrate his sixth birthday without his family and friends around him.
Speaking of bunkers, have you any of you seen Doomsday Preppers?
I do watch it . At first it was just for some of the things people do to prepare for some big change that could be right around the corner. Now it's to see how off the wall some of these people are with their paranoia. Some are really bad. Some are just sad. I do think that allot of this is just for show, to get on TV and get their 15 minutes of fame.
These are the kind of people who put the fear into others. Buying guns of mass destruction. Telling people they need this to protect themselves from all the other people who want what they have. They do nothing but promote fear and distrust of everyone. If something does ever happen, I'm hoping communities will be able to come together as one and help each other. But unfortunately this will be a hard thing to do. There is so much distrust and jealousy it will be hard to convince everyone to work together.
In the mean time I will live my life as I always have. I do wish I had the energy to keep a garden growing that could produce a good crop. Someday, maybe.
Ya never know I might do something like this someday.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.