Robots taking over?


I was listening to the radio on the way to work the other day when I heard them talking about someone that someone talked to about robots basically doing everything, even dropping the fries and turning the burgers at McDonald's in the future.
If things come to that, what will this planet need humans for except to just lie around and get fat.
For all we know in the future, if robots take over, this will be thought of as sexy.
I think I'm going to be sick.
I work in a factory and I've seen all the changes that have happened. They bring in something to make things go faster or to a take the place of a person. They tell you in one breath they are not trying to eliminate a job. And in the next one, they are bringing something in to do that job so you don't have to. It makes my head spin some days.
I think we really have to be careful how many things we come up with to make jobs easier because one day there could be no job for anyone to do but lay around, eat, play with the latest gadget that keeps us isolated from each other and die allot sooner then we should.

What can be done to change these things? Lots. And all it takes is getting off you big ass and do things by hand for yourself. Explore the world beyond your hand. There are good things around you that can be done without having a machine do it for you. Shortcuts don't always work for the best. 

Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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