Liar Liar Pants on fire
Liar liar, pants on fire, nose as long as a telephone wire.
That's all that seams to come out of so many mouths these days. Nothing but lies. It makes it so hard to look up to anyone now a a days. Because to get to the point that allot of people look up to you, you have to lie, cheat, step on and intimidate others. For me it makes it hard to believe anyone.
When you really think about it everyone in power used these tactics to get where they are.
Wherever you go people are lying to you. But then again some people are so gullible and or desperate they will believe in any thing someone tells them. Even though they know in their gut it's wrong.
Lance Armstrong.

He lied, cheated, stepped on and intimidated people to continue to stay on top of his lies. He keeps trying to cover his butt legally just out of reach of the law. Whether the law is finally able to get him or not it's time for him to fade into the back ground. I suggest he get a cabin in the middle of the woods, sit on the porch in a rocker and take up whittling. Why did I say that? I don't know but it's an idea for him to follow. Out of site, out of mind for others, eventually.
The Notre Dame foot ball guy:
I'm not sure if I believe how he was involved in this strange story.
I find it hard to believe. The whole thing confuses me. How do you have a girlfriend you never meet, except on the internet for so long?
People are way to gullible. Maybe people are to afraid to really meet people so they use the internet to create a whole new person.
I think I got it! People are afraid of the real world so they live in a fantasy one. We are a world of phonies.
A phony life has to better then the reality of the here and now right?
Here's a saying of mine;
Tell a lie,
live a lie,
become a lie.
You really have to ask yourself, is it worth it in the long run telling and living a lie for ever and ever?
Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.
That's all that seams to come out of so many mouths these days. Nothing but lies. It makes it so hard to look up to anyone now a a days. Because to get to the point that allot of people look up to you, you have to lie, cheat, step on and intimidate others. For me it makes it hard to believe anyone.
When you really think about it everyone in power used these tactics to get where they are.
Wherever you go people are lying to you. But then again some people are so gullible and or desperate they will believe in any thing someone tells them. Even though they know in their gut it's wrong.
Lance Armstrong.
He lied, cheated, stepped on and intimidated people to continue to stay on top of his lies. He keeps trying to cover his butt legally just out of reach of the law. Whether the law is finally able to get him or not it's time for him to fade into the back ground. I suggest he get a cabin in the middle of the woods, sit on the porch in a rocker and take up whittling. Why did I say that? I don't know but it's an idea for him to follow. Out of site, out of mind for others, eventually.
The Notre Dame foot ball guy:
I'm not sure if I believe how he was involved in this strange story.
I find it hard to believe. The whole thing confuses me. How do you have a girlfriend you never meet, except on the internet for so long?
People are way to gullible. Maybe people are to afraid to really meet people so they use the internet to create a whole new person.
I think I got it! People are afraid of the real world so they live in a fantasy one. We are a world of phonies.
A phony life has to better then the reality of the here and now right?
Here's a saying of mine;
Tell a lie,
live a lie,
become a lie.
You really have to ask yourself, is it worth it in the long run telling and living a lie for ever and ever?
Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.