My cold and a few ponders

This past week or I should say the last half of it I've been dealing with a cold.
At first I didn't want to admit it was a cold, because it's been a long time since I've had one. It started with a sore throat. So I was blaming it on the husband starting the wood stove or the fact I was trying to argue a point to a few, lets call them co-workers about something they were trying to do. I told them it was not going to work they said it would. I'm not sure if I got my point across or not, they will still do what they want to do no matter what I say about something. So I'll try to just sit back if they still keep trying to do what they wanted to do till someone gets hurt. Then I can say,"I told you so."
The next day there was no getting around the fact that I had a cold. My nose was running all the time. Which means I was blowing my nose more often then I wanted to. Then I had to wash my hands right away. By the end of the work day I told people I was going to have dish pan hands and a nose that looked like a certain reindeer. Plus my voice was starting to go.
That night a drank a couple cups of tea for my throat that has echinacea and lemon in it. Before I went to bed that night my voice was so bad I sounded like a heavy smoker kind of person. The husband had called to say when he would be home and when he was talking to me he said I was grossing him out because I sounded like a neighbor with that kind of voice.
By the next morning my voice was better but the nose was still running a bit. Not as bad as the day before.
This morning my voice is about back to normal, so the cold has about run it's coarse, I think. But I get a feeling I might be working on a cold sore now. Oh well, that's life, my boring hum drum life.

A few comments to ponder from this last week.
Political people are still enjoying the taste of their own foot. So really nothing new there.

Then you have the guy that wanted to be one with a tiger.
Just another person who really does not understand the animals as much as he thinks he does. No matter what you see on TV about these kind of animals they are not cuddly to people. Their first instinct is to protect their territory from any kind of intruder. No matter what you think, they do not think like a human.
I love animals but I know to respect them and give them lots of space when I see then in the wild or even in a zoo setting. I'm sure it's a lesson he will never forget. I wonder how zen he feels now?

A baby pig that rescued a baby goat who was stuck in the water. This had to be the cutest thing I've seen in a long time.
I wonder if the pigs name was Wilbur and the goat's name was Charlotte? You know returning the favor.

Well that's all for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the possibilities.


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