The drive to work
Driving to work the other day I got to thinking about the different things I've seen or experienced on the way to work.
There have been some times I wish I had a camera with me. Like I'm not sure how many years ago it was but, it was when there was no snow on the ground and it was very light out. It must have been before they changed our working time to 6am instead of 6:30 am. Anyway, I come up over the hill at the end of my road and looked across, it almost took my breath away. There was a low hanging fog in the low spot and all you could see was the roof of a house. If I would have had time I would have run back home to get my camera. But I didn't so the only thing I have is the memory.
Living in the country in the middle of Wisconsin most of the traffic jams I experience are a little different then you would in the city.
Like deer on the road.
There have been allot of times when a deer has decided to join me on the road.
I always see them soon enough so I slow down before they get on the road or they are far enough ahead of me they are already across before I get to that spot. But there are a few times they just seam to want to race you down the road. It's kind of funny watching them run with their tail up and waving from side to side.Another time I was driving to work
and I did not meet another car all the way till I got to work. I have to drive through town to get to work. Now that was kind of spooky when you let your imagination run wild.
Also living in Wisconsin you get to enjoy all the different weather issues. Sometimes in the morning, in the winter, you can get stuck behind a snow plow. Lots of fun.
If the weather is to bad I know that my personal driver will take me to work.
Well that's my post for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.