Pondering: How did we become such a bitter world?
How did we become such a bitter, dangerous world?
Knowing that a seventeen year old was able to plan out a horrendous act of causing major destruction at his former school and almost being able to put his plan into action by himself, is very scary.
Just think of all the others out there that are still unknown. It makes it very hard to live a carefree life.
Unfortunately, it's the world we live in.
We have created a world where we can't trust anyone. Everyone is the boogie man.
I for one am very tired of living my life surrounded by nothing but negativity. I want to change. But how?
When the people around you can think of nothing but negative thoughts. Telling you only bad will happen. Coming to conclusions that only think of bad results or reasons.
I want to think about harmony with everything around me. People, animals, the true beauty of the world around us.
Will it ever happen? I might be able to find some way to increase positive energy around me, someday. But the world, will be a bigger task for not only me but everyone.
Unfortunately there will always be some that would much rather think and be negative. It's all they know and they will ever see.