Pondering the Credit Downgrade
Thanks to all the dumb games politicians have been playing we are all going to be paying big time for a long, long time.
I kind of get a feeling the big change that is coming is not only because of the changes the planet is going through but will be be made a whole lot worse because of the games our so called leaders have been playing.
Not just the US, but all countries are being manipulated by greedy, over controlling leaders.
All great empires eventually come to end. Our time is just around the corner.
If I was asked on how to help fix the budget I would make a couple of suggestions to start with.
One, I would have all national guard troops come home right now. As far as I know right now the definition for national guard is to defend OUR homeland, not the land of another country. And to be here when the military is not on our land.
Second, would be to stop playing world police. No matter what the leaders reasoning is in interfering in other countries issues we are only making matters worse. Instead of one so called war we have two big ones and are getting too noisy in a few others.
Does Russia or China get so involved in these other counties? Not that I know of. Not to the extent that the US does.
I know there are other ways to think about but to me these are the two to start with. The next one is to get people in charge who are not greedy or have been in office way to long or those that think change has to happen on the spot.( That is kind of like taking a kids toys away all at once and just putting them out of reach.)