Summer and Bears

I think summer has finally arrived here. Yesterday it was in the 80's and hot and humid. Today is suppose to be the same. There were also rain showers and tornado watches. It's almost like the growing season is a month behind. Somethings in the garden are just now starting grow the way they should be. Like some gourd plants that are really left over last year. They just sprang up so I let them grow. But the corn is still short. And the peas are finally getting peas in their pods. But according to the farmers almanac we are suppose to get snow next month.
Everything I think got a late start. Even the wild turkeys. Some of the ones I've seen have some pretty small babies for this time of year. I think the reason for this is because if they had eggs earlier they might of froze from the late frost we got, so they had to start over.

People keep seeing allot of bears around the neighborhood. The husband, a couple of times has seen one that he thinks could weigh over 400 pounds. We only live a few miles from town and it sounds like someone in the neighborhood is putting out bear bait somewhere on their land. This is the wrong kind of neighborhood to be baiting bear. Being just outside town you know that there are allot of people that still close to one another.
The husband said that the DNR told them once to stop and they did but it sounds like they are doing it again. Baiting bear in an area where there are allot of people is so wrong in my book. Not only are more peoples bird feeders getting torn down all the time but there is such a high risk of a bear hurting someone or even killing someone. I don't believe these people are thinking.
The husband said that the reason they are doing this is to bring some hot shots from down south up here to hunt bear. Trying to make it easier for some suit to get his prize more easily. If someone is going to bait bear do it some place where there are not allot of people or farm animals. But the best thing is not to bait at all. Having a wild animal become dependent on food from us is not right. If you get bored with feeding the animal and stop where do you think they will turn for food? Someone else that is not prepared for their sudden demand for food.
It is exciting watching a wild animal, but from a safe distance. Remember they are still very much driven by their natural instincts in self survival.

Thought of the day:
"If you sit on the fence long enough, you'll get splinters."


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