Vaction animals
Well we made it back from vacation in one piece. At least we didn't kill each other, but he was starting to get on my nerves. It just might be the last one for awhile depending on how much more out of control things will become. As we traved out there it was not hard to see that so much has changed in just the last year.
Last year my husband and I took a trip to the Pacific Ocean. It was also a good trip. One of the big differences I noticed from last year was not only allot fewer big campers but also allot fewer semi's. At least it seamed like I saw allot few, almost half I think. And this was before Ike hit Texas. How much higher will things get this year alone?
Enough about that. My husband was very happy this year with the number of different animals we saw and that we were able to get some good close up pictures of them. Here are a few that we saw.

This is a herd of elk we saw just before we got to Yellowstone park. All does and no males until we got to the town just inside of the park. And here he is. I just wish he would have turn around as we went by. I wish we could have stopped but other cars were trying to get a picture of him too, pus a ranger was right there making sure no one tried to get to close to him.

These are a couple of goats that were have a meal next to the road.
This a a buffalo that decided to let people get a close up look at him at one of the hot springs. Some people were very excited and wanted to get allot closer. One man walked around him once he crossed over the walk and stood in the middle next to a hot spring. My husband said that as long as he was chewing his cud it meant he was calm. But he did stop for a minute when the man walked behind him. If you notice the marks on his side my husband said that they could be from being forced out of the herd. The herd was down the road a little ways.
These are a couple more female elk that were in the same area of another hot spring. Following a trail we were able to close to them. My husband said he heard a male elk trumpet some where from the woods. I couldn't hear it. All I heard was the wind in the weeds.
This is a mule deer that was lunching on the side of the road. Someone else who was there thought is was an elk. Big difference between an elk and a mule deer.
See that dark spot in the middle. Well it's a moose. We saw him in Big horn National park. My husband was so excited. And yes that is snow on the ground. If you want to look real close you will see another elk back in the trees.
After seeing those two, down the road we saw a mother and her calf. And yes there was no snow here.
This picture was taken near Mount Rushmore. If you look close enough you can see that this white tail deer is shedding the velvet. Flies were buzzing around his horns. When a deer sheds the velvet there is blood but it does not hurt them.
Well that is some of the pictures we took of some animals. Maybe I'll post more at another time.
Thought of the day:
"Counting chickens is for poultry farmers."
Last year my husband and I took a trip to the Pacific Ocean. It was also a good trip. One of the big differences I noticed from last year was not only allot fewer big campers but also allot fewer semi's. At least it seamed like I saw allot few, almost half I think. And this was before Ike hit Texas. How much higher will things get this year alone?
Enough about that. My husband was very happy this year with the number of different animals we saw and that we were able to get some good close up pictures of them. Here are a few that we saw.
This is a herd of elk we saw just before we got to Yellowstone park. All does and no males until we got to the town just inside of the park. And here he is. I just wish he would have turn around as we went by. I wish we could have stopped but other cars were trying to get a picture of him too, pus a ranger was right there making sure no one tried to get to close to him.
These are a couple of goats that were have a meal next to the road.
This a a buffalo that decided to let people get a close up look at him at one of the hot springs. Some people were very excited and wanted to get allot closer. One man walked around him once he crossed over the walk and stood in the middle next to a hot spring. My husband said that as long as he was chewing his cud it meant he was calm. But he did stop for a minute when the man walked behind him. If you notice the marks on his side my husband said that they could be from being forced out of the herd. The herd was down the road a little ways.
These are a couple more female elk that were in the same area of another hot spring. Following a trail we were able to close to them. My husband said he heard a male elk trumpet some where from the woods. I couldn't hear it. All I heard was the wind in the weeds.
This is a mule deer that was lunching on the side of the road. Someone else who was there thought is was an elk. Big difference between an elk and a mule deer.
See that dark spot in the middle. Well it's a moose. We saw him in Big horn National park. My husband was so excited. And yes that is snow on the ground. If you want to look real close you will see another elk back in the trees.
After seeing those two, down the road we saw a mother and her calf. And yes there was no snow here.
This picture was taken near Mount Rushmore. If you look close enough you can see that this white tail deer is shedding the velvet. Flies were buzzing around his horns. When a deer sheds the velvet there is blood but it does not hurt them.
Well that is some of the pictures we took of some animals. Maybe I'll post more at another time.
Thought of the day:
"Counting chickens is for poultry farmers."