How you know you have a bear

My husband and I took a walk in the back woods on Labor Day. We walked around the corn field next to the woods and this is what we saw.

Actually we were out there twice. The first time we went out there is when we found the damage to the corn. My husband was a little nervous after we found the spots. He wished he had brought his pistol with just in case a bear would show up.
We went back out there later so he could put up a trail camera. This time he had his pistol with him. We didn't see any bear but we chased a few turkeys around the woods. Sorry no picks of the turkeys. They're quick buggers.

I wanted to get some pictures of some turkeys that keep coming into the yard, but they are very jumpy. Every time I try to get a picture they seam to know it and start heading away as fast as they can. But when I can I will post it.

Friday if all goes well with my husband getting a shot in his back, we will be heading to the west. Hopefully we will be able to explore Montana for a week.

Thought of the day:
"Practical action works better than wishful thinking."


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