Welcome 2021!!!
Here's to hoping that 2021 will improve things that we have had to deal with in 2020.
I know that the things we have had to deal with not magically disappear. It will take time for the affects to ease up. Patients will be a very hard thing to have. We are very impatient beings. Change will take time. The thing I want to change right away is, NO MORE MASKS!!!
This is the first thing to ponder for this year. When will be able to stop masking up every time we go out?
The second thing to ponder is: Will President Dweeb step down? Or will he have to be dragged out of office kicking and screaming? Can he be the bigger man or I should say will he become mature and step aside? Or does he have a nasty surprise for the American people that will forever change us? Could we become controlled by another country? Or are we already controlled by another country? Did he have a deal with Putin that would make him president for life?
Lets see what should be the third thing we should ponder this year: Will we understand the nature of things? What I mean here is, will we except that the changes that are happening to the planet is something we can't stop. It's bigger then we are. We can find ways to change our behavior or actions but this planet is an ever changing being in itself. We have to adapt to it not the other way around.
Well, that's all I have to ponder for the start of this year. I do hope I'll be able to find myself writing here more often.
So till next time.
Remember to keep pondering the pondering possibilities.