It's time for Women to take over

The biggest thing in the news right now is all those girls that were taken in Nigeria by a bunch of, lets call them idiots. I thought we were beyond that kind of behavior. Boy was a wrong. This group thinks it's wrong to educate girls. They know that knowledge is power. 
I think I heard at one point that the leader of this group of idiots is Western educated. So he knows that women are really smarter then most men. 
It really burns me when I hear about things like this. I will never understand why men think they have to have so much control over women. Like women are only objects not real people. You know the way I see it, the human race is the only creature on this planet who threat the females as if they are just things to used as the men want. That's the problem.
What is it going to take men to see that if it was not for a woman they would not be here. They should learn to treat women the way they want to be treated. 
I have a saying I think I've said before.
To get respect you must give respect,
but first you must have self respect, 
once you have self respect you have self control.

If you want my respect you have to respect me also. If you are going to treat me as if I'm an idiot, well lets just say karma's a bitch.
Women do have the power within to bring men to their knees and wish they never did the controlling things they have been doing. Good consensual  sex not forced sex will make things a whole lot better for all involved. 

I don't know about you but it scares me to see the direction the human world is headed in. I do see us slipping back little by little in a direction that is not going to help the human race in anyway shape or form. Who wants to live in a world where freedom to choose is taken away for reasons that are totally selfish by someone like this.

So remember world, we are suppose to be guardians of this world not the destroyers. If we keep on this track we will destroy the human race as we know it. Or maybe it's time another creature stepped up and took over, since we can't even respect ourselves as equals to each other. 

So women of the world, it's time to show men what happens when you mess with us in degrading ways.


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