Dead Fish

The other day at work my brain just started wondering to things I've been hearing lately on the news. I know that's a dangerous thing for my mind to be doing especially at work.  
I got to thinking about this scandal with health care for vets. I was just trying to think of a different way to explain it. This is what I came up with.
Governments and government agencies are so corrupt and out of touch with the real people. 
You could show them a dead fish, dangle in front of their face and they will deny it is dead.
 You can slap them across the face with it and they will say it never happened. 
You can keep slapping them with it and they will continue to deny it's happening.
They can stink to high heaven of dead fish and they will say they don't smell anything bad.

So where do we really go from here? All governments are so corrupt there is no fixing them from this point. The gap between the haves and the have nots is getting wider by the second. 
Maybe it is time for something big to really happen so the whole world has to start over. But of course they will say it's global warming and it's all our fault. 
Wait a minute, they are already doing that. But they think that throwing more money at it will fix it. WRONG!
Money will not fix what the planet is going through.
 Learning to live and adapt to the ever changing environment is what we have to do.
 Educate our selves to relay on ourselves to survive. Learn to live simpler lives. 
You don't need the latest electronic thing to live. You are wasting your time with being so addicted to all those things.
 The more connected we become, the more disconnected we are.
 Too much information on others will not make your life better. Over sharing is out of control.
 Spend your time truly taking care of yourself. Don't just like or pin something from Pinterst, do it.
 Or just make your own stuff for yourself and just be proud of it.
 You don't have to throw things in other peoples faces about what you are doing. 
I remember a time when not knowing every little detail of everyone else's life  was not our main focus. 
I remember when a promise was a promise.
Like the V.A. saying they will take care of the people who truly sacrificed they lives to help protect them. No if's, and's or but's about it. Those people need exactly what was promised to them. 
So stop worrying about how many more kick backs you can take for doing little to no help for others and start worring about the future of this country. We are only as strong as we are proud. Right now, we are not a proud people. 
The fish is there. See it. Or someday you will end up where all stinky fish end up.

Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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