What would the world be like without plastic? Continued

I did the history on plastic last time, so now I'll tell you about what people said when I asked them.
The answers I got were mixed. Some thought it would be a better world, while some said it would not be. Some said it would be a healthier one, some said there would be allot more death and illnesses. Some said it would be cleaner, while others said there would be allot more garbage or waste of other resources. 
All of these answers are right to some point. 
We would be using more other natural materials for some things. Wood, metal, rubber and cloth. 
There are so many ways to look at things. It all depends on how you are looking at things at the time. 
I for one would think it could have been a better world if some of the plastics that are out there now were never invented. But there are some that are needed very much and have helped more then hurt, most of the time.
Like for medical. 
If there was no plastic, rubber could be used, maybe.
Some say that plastic is what can cause more health issues in ways we don't even know about or will really admit to.
With no plastic would the world population be as big as it is right now?
 Plastic has been in our lives for so long I'm not sure how life would really be if it was not there. But then again if it was never there we would not miss it now, would we. 

Well that's my last ponder on plastic, for now.
So till next time,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities. 


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