What I did on my Labor Day weekend plus other thoughts and a project.
I meant to write last weekend but, (here comes some lame excuses) I couldn't find the right time to write. I was going to write something sometime during the week but the husband decided to take most of the week off to make hay. So no real me time to try and focus on much of anything creative.
So if your wondering what I did do over the three days last weekend, here is a brief sum up.
On Saturday we went to the family cabin and I hung out with my siblings and parents, until they had to leave to go to my Dads class reunion for awhile.There were other people who were there just to hang for what my Dad who likes to call it "Camp Fire Therapy". It was to hot to sit around the fire pit or even in the sun for awhile but everyone still enjoyed themselves.( I forgot my camera)
At one point me, my sisters, my youngest, my younger sisters daughter and two of my brothers step kids went for a walk in the woods, with two bottles of wine for the adults ONLY. The bottles came back empty. It's always a fun time just walking through the woods with the sisters. Lots of laughing and story telling. I only found one tick when we got back. I don't know if anyone else had any or not. As for my brothers step kids, the mosquitoes like them. None of us older ones walking through the woods got bit at all. So I told them they had virgin blood and the mosquitoes love virgin blood. Hey the're not from the woods like we are they are from Missouri.
Any way it was a good day all the way around for me. No real dramas.
Sunday, the husband and I went to the fair in Marshfield. They always have a very interesting one. This time I didn't forget my camera. Here are a few pictures I took at the fair.
This is what I think they called Dock Dogs. Dogs that jumped off the dock after their favorite toy. It was to see which could jump the farthest.
This is one of the dogs that was involved. As you can see it is a bit of a diva.
They also have different draft horse competitions.This is something they always have.
We had just missed the birth of this calf. Allot of people were very excited about being able to see something like that. I've seen it before. But wouldn't have been exciting if I could have gotten it on tape.
They also have these. Alpacas. They always look at you as if they are better then you are. They do have very soft hair.
There was so much more there to see and do but I only took a few pictures.
Sunday night we took the dog for a walk. Just as we started to go down the road we noticed something up the road away. A black bear. (sorry no picture. It wouldn't have turned out anyway, to far away.) Now is the time of year that bears are becoming more active. They are getting more prepared for the hibernation that will be happening in a few months. We still went on our walk. But the husband decided we should get a bell to put on the dog when I take her for a walk. This way if the bear is around he will hear us coming and not be startled by us. But the bell will also prevent me from seeing any other kind of wild life. Oh well better to safe than sorry. So now we jingle when we walk.
As for Monday. I did housework. Nothing exciting.
Well that was my long weekend last weekend. This weekend nothing much planned. The husband is at an auction. I just hope he does not spend to much money.
Now is time for pondering's about happening in the rest of world.
Lets see....
This thing could not take a month of what he did to three women for ten years. I'm not complaining he did what he did. It just proved he was a coward. Plus he saved the taxpayers allot money.
Now my pondering question is: Do they keep his body for a thousand years before they throw it out with rest of the garbage?That was his sentence right? Life plus a thousand years?
To war or not to war that is the big question.
My question is this;
Who said the US was the world police?
Not me.
The US is one of the youngest countries in the word, as for being a country. We are suppose to be the land of the free, not the land of the bullies.
War is one of the reasons bulling will never end.
But I know as average people we really don't have a say in what is decided for us. Which is sad.
Here are few more pictures about how the average person feels about war.
Well what do you think? Am I right, or am I right?
One more thing before I go. Here is is the last project I finally completed.
It took me longer then I wanted to but, I could not get myself in the mood to work on it.
Well that's about it for now.
Till next time,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.