
Showing posts from January, 2013

Not going to be the same old, same old

I was trying to think about what to write. I'm kind of tired of always commenting on in the news things. It's always the same old, same old. I've been searching the internet for ideas. I did find one kind of idea although it has to do with drawing. And to tell you the truth I could not draw myself out of a paper bag if I tried. So I'm thinking of using the ideas and write something about them instead of drawing. Maybe it'll help me get my creative juices going. The idea does suggest 30 days of drawing I don't think I'll do 30 straight days of writing. But then again  I could  have the ideas lined up I could be motivated to post more often. Plus the husband is going to start going back to work on Monday. So I will have more me time alone to be creative. I was going to do a post this morning about me. But as I was writing it I realized I need more pictures to do this one. At least I picture it with more pictures. So I've got to go searching through so...

Liar Liar Pants on fire

Liar liar, pants on fire, nose as long as a telephone wire.    That's all that seams to come out of so many  mouths these days. Nothing but lies. It makes it so hard to look up to anyone now a a days. Because to get to the point that allot of people look up to you, you have to lie, cheat, step on and intimidate others. For me it makes it hard to believe anyone. When you really think about it everyone in power used these tactics to get where they are. Wherever you go people are lying to you. But then again some people are so gullible and or desperate they will believe in any thing someone tells them. Even though they know in their gut it's wrong. Examples: Lance Armstrong.    He lied, cheated, stepped on and intimidated people to continue to stay on top of his lies. He keeps trying to cover his butt legally just out of reach of the law. Whether the law is finally able to get him or not it's time for him to fade into the back ground. I suggest he get a ca...

Same old same old

Well things around here for me are just the same old, same old boring humdrum things. The husband is still home getting better with his back. We are hoping that next month he can go back to work. Then I will have my nights to myself once again. But now I suppose I have to say something else about this last week from the world. So here goes.   Gun control.  What do I think? Well I think I might have said something before about this so I'll just say it this way. The things that I don't think are necessary are the assault guns and the clips that hold large amount of bullets.These are the ones I don't think we really need. Sure you could have one for protection and to feed your family, which is your right under the law. But if your intent is to harm someone just because you can, well then you need your head examined. Then I say, no guns for you. As if that would ever happen. If someone wants a gun there is always a way to get one.        As for violent v...

Robots taking over?

  I was listening to the radio on the way to work the other day when I heard them talking about someone that someone talked to about robots basically doing everything, even dropping the fries and turning the burgers at McDonald's in the future. If things come to that, what will this planet need humans for except to just lie around and get fat.   For all we know in the future, if robots take over, this will be thought of as sexy. I think I'm going to be sick. I work in a factory and I've seen all the changes that have happened. They bring in something to make things go faster or to a take the place of a person. They tell you in one breath they are not trying to eliminate a job. And in the next one, they are bringing something in to do that job so you don't have to. It makes my head spin some days. I think we really have to be careful how many things we come up with to make jobs easier because one day there could be no job for anyone to do but lay around, eat, pl...

Hello 2013

A new year has begun. Does it really feel any different yet? To me it's just another day. The same things that were there yesterday are still here today. Well maybe the political people might have done something but it's still up to debate at this moment. If they did, I figured they would pull something out of their butt at the last possible moment. They always do. But enough about them. It's time I looked into my future. It's hard to say what kind of things will happen for me this year. I'm just hoping that money wise, things will be a whole lot better then last year. This is what I have to do.   I'm still working on this plan. Day by day. I must believe.I will believe. So be it. I hope to see you all more this year. Make it a good one. Till next time. Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.