My cold and a few ponders
This past week or I should say the last half of it I've been dealing with a cold. At first I didn't want to admit it was a cold, because it's been a long time since I've had one. It started with a sore throat. So I was blaming it on the husband starting the wood stove or the fact I was trying to argue a point to a few, lets call them co-workers about something they were trying to do. I told them it was not going to work they said it would. I'm not sure if I got my point across or not, they will still do what they want to do no matter what I say about something. So I'll try to just sit back if they still keep trying to do what they wanted to do till someone gets hurt. Then I can say,"I told you so." The next day there was no getting around the fact that I had a cold. My nose was running all the time. Which means I was blowing my nose more often then I wanted to. Then I had to wash my hands right away. By the end of the work day I told people I was ...