Toxic Avenger
I really don't have any footnotes about my life except I did happen to find this really bad B movie called TOXIC AVENGER . It's so bad you almost have to watch it. Then I found out they made a total of four. Plus a cartoon series, plus even a musical. I even found the third one the other night. Bad over acting, bad special effects. Just bad all the way around. But I could see how it could become a cult classic. They were made in the 80's. So if you want a watch a movie that you can't believe they made, watch one of them.
As for things I was pondering this week,I could say something about politics. I'm tired of all their stupid ads. If they don't knock if off( which I know they won't, they never do) I'll get out my Nerf gun and start shooting the TV again. Just like I use to when a Bush was president. Someone asked me what all the circle were on the TV. So I told them. "Bush was getting on my last nerve." Right now the one who is getting on my last nerve is Romney and Paul.
When I look at Romney you want to know what he reminds me of.
This guy.
The fake Santa that went really bad.
It's just a feeling I get when I look at him. No good will come from him.
As for Obama, I think he has done the best he could considering the Old Boys Club has been fighting him every step of the way. He's getting the blame for things that were already out of control from when Bush Jr. was in there messing things up. It's hard to clean up someone else's mess when certain other people don't like you for reasons they will never admit too.
One other thing that happened around here is this:

Big jet landed at the Taylor County Airport. Something this size has never landed here before. They needed fuel I guess. The jet belongs to the wife of Dale Earnhardt I guess. It's a good thing that they do have a strip that is long enough to handle a jet this size.I think this was the first time it was actually needed.
This is big news here, OK.
Well that's the end of my footnotes and ponders.
Till next time,keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.