Birds and Calves

 This is a picture of the morning doves from yesterdays footnote. I guess in this one you can see them pretty good.

I also forgot another footnote to mention yesterday. It seems I can't leave the husband alone because when I got home from work on Thursday we had three new additions to our home. Three calves.
                                            This one for now will be known as Curly.
                                            I think this one will be known as Larry.
                                         And this one will be known as Moe.
So lets see on our little place we now have one horse, five chickens( and one of them is sitting on eggs right now so we will have more in a few weeks, I think) and one cat outside. We also have four turkeys. We had about 24 other chickens but we just butchered them. They were broiler chickens. They grow very fast. The husband said we got about 90 pounds of meat from them. 
In the house we have one dog and one cat.

Well that's all the footnotes I have for now.
So till next time don't forget to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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