Fine toning Ponder Pages
I decided it was time to do a little bit of a tone up on Ponder Pages.
So if you have visited before you will notice, if not you will see little changes every time you do visit.
So what kind of changes am I going to do? Well, for one the background so far. I've also taken down the picture of Jean Viken which is a cold case that no one seams to want to solve. I might put it up again some other time but for now I'll be trying out other ideas to put on here.
I've decided to include little footnotes that happen in my humdrum life just to show how boring my normal everyday life is and how small things do add a little something to it from time to time.
Here is an example of footnotes you might see from time to time.
This week a few things did happen to give me something to tell people at work.
Like footnote number 1:
On Wednesday night I was going to take my dog Fawn for a walk when I noticed two black dogs sniffing around at the end of our driveway. The husband had a few days off from work so I told him. He came out to see them. He grabbed a gun(which was not loaded at the time) to try and chase them away. By now my dog has seen one of them and is not very happy about it. The husband starts down the driveway in hopes that they will run away. You know trying to scare them away. Most stray dogs do run when they are confronted by someone they do not know, most of them that I've seen, sometimes.This dog started coming toward us. Head down, hair up and growling. Husband said get back to the house. Once in the garage he put a bullet in the gun and went outside and shot the gun up in the air. The dog then took off. We were not sure but we think they belonged to the niece who lives in a trailer house to the south of us. The husband was not happy about it. They were hers. So if I could give her some advise about all three of her dogs it would be this.
You a few options. One, tie them up. Two, keep them in kennels. Three, fence in your yard. The other option is reports being made to the cops about aggressive dogs running around the neighborhood. One more option is the dogs will lose their lives if they are found on the wrong property. My guess is she will not like the last two options and will make sure they are kept home from now on.
Fawn and I did get our walk in. We go the other way down the road.
Footnote number 2:
This happen to me on the way to work on Thursday. I get to the end of a road that meets up with the highway.(It's 5am). I see lights from other cars way back. Far enough so I can pull out and get up to speed before they catch up to me. Well, I'm not even up to speed yet when suddenly there are flashing lights behind me. I couldn't figure out where he came from so fast and what I could have done wrong. Well I pull over. He then passes me and shuts off his lights and keeps going. Now in my book that was a a very rude thing to do to me. I watched him go and he seemed to be a in a hurry. I notice after the second round-about, he turned east. Maybe there was a problem in the trailer court down there. When I got up to that spot I noticed another cop car. And the one that passed me pulled in behind the credit union. So I'm not sure what was up, if anything. I was still not happy he did that to me.Have you ever had that happen to you?
Footnote number 3:
This one happen when I was once again taking Fawn for her walk. As I was walking and getting close to a field I noticed two deer . Young ones by the looks of it. Fawn did not see them. As I continued the two deer suddenly started running toward the road. I hoped they would not decide to cross the road. They stopped close to the side of the road in the shade of a tree. They stayed there as we passed. Fawn did not see them. The weeds were to high for her and she was to busy sniffing the ground in front of her. We walked on and the deer kept watching us. After a bit a car past us from behind. I'm thinking that they must have took off at that point. They were not there on the walk past.
Footnote number 4:
This one happened yesterday when I got home from work. There were two morning doves sitting in the bird bath. Just sitting in the middle preventing any of the little birds from getting a drink of water. I tried to take I picture of it but I do not have a good camera to get a good close up. I could still try to put one up once I get them loaded on to the computer.
Well those are my footnotes of the things that happen to me this week that were out of the ordinary.
What do you think?
I'm working on other ideas to put up. You'll notice them if you come back and visit me again. I'll keep you on your toes one way or another.
So till next time,
Keep on Pondering the Pondering Possibilities.