
Showing posts from June, 2012

Bullying revisited

Bullying is once again in the news again. But when you think about it bullying is the news. That's all news is about. The one with the bus monitor being made fun of by a bunch of middle school kids is the latest. And now she is getting allot of money because of it. And the kids are getting death threats. Does anything here really make any sense to you? I'm glad for the lady for getting the support she is getting. More power to her. The kids should have known better. As for the people who are sending death threats, really? How stupid can you be? Who's being the bully now? I know allot about being bullied. I was bullied my whole growing up years. I was bullied by family, kids in school, and a few teachers. The thing with kids started in first grade. There a number of reasons why I think and know it started. One was a bladder issue I had. Even once it was fixed in the third grade nothing changed. Feeling bad and left out was a way of life for me. I never really had any r...

Racking my brain for something to write about

I was sitting here trying to think of something to write about and I'm afraid I can't think of any one thing to write about. Here are a few things that have been bouncing around in my head lately. Mother nature: The fire out in Colorado was apparently started by mother nature herself with the help from some little beetles. I hear someone say that this fire could be burning like this all summer. Can you imagine how much this fire could burn if this happened? But where I am it had been getting kind of dry. Lawns were starting to turn brown but now it's been raining, except today. It's suppose to be sunny and maybe close to 80. The other night there were frost warnings out. The rest of the week it's suppose to be rainy, again. So today, for Father's day, it will be nice here. So Dad's enjoy the day. The husband here could be maybe baling a little hay that he had cut down the other day, if it's not to wet other wise it maybe going to waste if the weath...

Election ponderings

As most of the country knows Wisconsin had a recall election. I just want to say that from the beginning of this whine I told people it was a waste of time and a waste of money and I was right. Not everyone is ever happy with who becomes the elected official for them. Happiness for everyone will never happen. So you just have to grin and bare it until that persons time is up. And or make your opinion known to that person by voicing your unhappiness to that person in a nice way and not a threatening way. I can't promise they will listen, but hey it's worth a try, right? I'm really not a fan of politics. They are usually the kind of people who if I knew them personally I would not like them anyway because they usually give off this kind of vibe that tells me they really don't care about me one little bit. So I don't matter. So that one is over and done with for now. Now comes the next big mud slinging event. The winner will be...... Now if I told you that I would...

Women: Are we turning into second class citizens again?

To all you females out there, do you ever feel like this is still going on in the land of the free? I do. Lately I've been seeing more and more signs that we are sliding backwards when it comes to being equal to men. Like what you ask. Well, how do I put this... This is one of the ways to put it. I know the one on the right is the extreme version of what some places have their women wear. But lately I've been noticing more and more groups around here where the females are dressed in the longer, plain looking dresses with their hair in braids. I do live in an area where I've grown up seeing the Amish that drive the horse and buggies. The women are usually dressed in long black dresses and wear black bonnets. That I'm use to. But what I'm saying is that I'm seeing more and more of these other kinds of groups. Maybe they've always been there and I just have not noticed them as much until now. But the more I see them the more I get the feeling that we ...