Waste of time and a waste of money?

There are so many things out there that are a waste of time and money. 
One thing I was thinking of is this Occupy Wall Street movement. 
It was a good idea at first and it could have been but now the people who become over passionate about things and become violent are going to ruin it. 
One step they have taken with getting people to take their money out of big banks and putting them in credit unions is a good start. Dealing with a bank has become so impersonal they want you to only deal with a computer. 
When I was talking to someone the other day about this they said they thought most bankers are con artists. Finding ways to con people out of their money in the most uncaring ways. More for them, less for the average hard working person.
It is more then just big banks that are trying to control things, it's corporations that are so big they no longer think of their employees as people but almost like slaves. But I say that without the average person they would not even exist. 
So my idea to make thing better is help out the smaller business. You don't need big brand names to prove you are someone. Bigger is not necessarily better for the world. Smaller can be allot easier to manage. And I think better for the world economy in the long run. The bigger something is the more it costs to maintain.
Just one thing to ponder. 

Another waste of time and money was this so called wedding of one of those Kardashians  girls.
I think I have the right picture of the right one.(I don't even really know who they are and how they got so many shows on TV.) What a total waste of everything.
The so called marriage only lasting 72 days, saying  they can't get along. 
I think they should have known way before the expense of a huge wedding like that one if it was not going to last more then a few months.
And she said she was in love. She has no idea what real love is. It's all a game or a show to her. Real love is something that is not easy to reach or even find when we live in a world where the idea that if you have one disagreement it's over. It's always your way or the highway. Marriage means committing to one person through the good times and the bad. Being there for each other. Putting each other first before others. 
I've been married to the same guy for almost 29 years. We've had allot of bumps in the road but we've gotten to the point where we know what the other one is thinking or about to say. (Sometimes that gets a little freaky) It's excepting  each others flaws.
If you are someone who still has a roaming eye(and acting on it) or can't trust each other, then marriage is something that should not even be considered.

A few other things that wasted my thought time this week.
The possibility that Justin Bieber might be a father. If that is a possibility then I think someone should take a step back and think about their actions and attitude toward life for the future sake. There is no need for a male version of Lindsey Lohan.

Speaking of her, the poor girl has to go back to jail, again. I'd say to her to quit wasting the courts time and money and do what has to be done  once and for all. And quit thinking you are all that special because with every report about your happenings it's only making you look more and more pathetic.

One last thing, politics. I'm not sure if the republicans are going to be able to pick a candidate the way things are going. All they are doing is trying to drag each other through the mud hoping they will be the one that comes out with the least amount of mud on them to be considered top dog. Or is it top idiot. 
Before I go I would like to mention the two earth quakes that Oklahoma had yesterday. One in the morning which was a 4.7 and one at night that was a 5.7. Makes you wonder what's going to happen next.
Maybe the big rock that is suppose to go between the Earth and the Moon on Tuesday will be exciting in someway or another. Or not. Last I heard it was about the size of an aircraft carrier.

Well, those are my pondering thoughts for the week. 
 Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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