Are some people just that dense or are they that mean hearted?
You ever have one of those days where your not sure if someone is doing or treating you in a way that makes you unsure if they are doing it out of being dense or if they are just doing it out the meanness of their heart?
That is how some of my week felt. Well, OK just one day. At least this week. But I did get over it. One of my rules is to that when something is bothering me is to let me whine or vent for the rest of the day because tomorrow I'll be a whole lot calmer. It works for me.
I do put up with allot of unfairness from people I know do it out of the meanness of their heart. I roll with the punches so to speak. Because some of these people do things to see how riled up they can get you. They push you till you finally have a melt down.
People are always wondering will it ever end? I'm sorry to say it will not. All we can do is keep on defending ourselves the best way we can. Hopefully without really hurting each other or ourselves. Over the years I have figured out the best way to deal with people who make you feel less then you are is to kill them with kindness. Eventually they will change over time towards you. Or just plain stay away from you, which I like the best.
One of my favorite quotes is "Stupid is as stupid does."
So I roll on trying to keep positive energy around me.
Oh well I know bad post.
I was just not in the mood to write about the rest of this weeks happenings like everyone else.
But I feel a little bit better.
I will try to plan a better post for next time.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities .